It's 3M Crystalline 40. Here's a side view so you can get a sense of how dark they are. The front windshield is tinted with 3M Crystalline 70.
Thanks, hard to gauge it in that side view. My 35% was pretty light. From the looks of it, your's is slightly darker but it maybe due to lighting(overcast). I figured out the embedding images from Flikr
It's definitely not too dark. From the outside, you can see the interior quite well. I went with the 3M Crystalline tint because it has excellent infrared heat rejection without having to go too dark. Come to think of it, 40 is the darkest the offer in the Crystalline line.
Right, that's why I'm leaning towards the 20%. My black interior can use more blocking of the UV's, that interior heats up fast!
If you go with the 3M Crystalline then you won't need to go dark. My windsheild is tinted with their lightest, 70, yet it still provide 99% UV rejection and 97% IR. Even on a 80F sunny day in Socal, my interior stays comfortably cool. BTW, infrared rays is what causes your interior to heat up, not UV. Either way, the Crystalline tint have excellent rejection of both rays. The film is pricey compared to regular tint.
Come to think of it, I think my tint probably faded slightly over time. It was def. a little darker when I first got it done.. I had to car for 5 years so.. Climate here isn't too hot so not sure if I need ceramic. Maybe a more stable tint that is more fade resistant.
3M offer a film type called Color Stable which won't fade over time. It offers about 60% IR rejection and is less expensive then their Crystalline film. That may be a good fit for your ride.
Hi all! I bought my White Prius a week ago, I haven't done any modification (only tints) but I will paint the emblems (Plastidip) and I'm planning to paint the wheel. I haven't seen Prius with the stock wheels painted black: Have you guys seen one? Thank you! Carlos
Welcome new BB members, thank you for posting your pics. 223. mrfritz0528 224. Sfcyclist 225. Rassah 226. Eclipse1701d 227. ? maybe carlosfpr ?
White Prius? We don't have White Priuses, are you sure you did not mean to write Blizzard Pearl Prius? If you did mean Blizzard Pearl you are #227, if your Prius is White then you are not #227. To answer your question I have not seen those particular wheels painted Black, but I have seen other Black wheels if you take the wheel covers of the stock 15's they are Black.
I notice that the lower part of the front bumper chips quite easily just like our Lexus. I got some BP touch-up paint which help conceal it.