It has taken 3400 miles to get to 50% EV 50% HV ratio. the key is the ability to charge while at work driving under 9 miles each way, block the lower grill, keep your speed under 60 mph. and drive on EV and ECO which surpresses the ICE from turning on. I am getting about 40% of the time both ways uphill and down the magic 999 mpg.
What am I missing? If your only driving 9 miles each way on a full charge, why aren't you getting 100% EV each way? All I can think of is steep hills where the ICE must start to maintain speed. Is this correct?
This 3400 miles includes long 400 mile trip and times you need the heat and defrost. Some mornings the temp. is 19 degrees and sometimes you have to 70mph to go with the flow. So in theory 999 mpg is a possibility but we drive in a real world.
Nice going! I don't think I will ever see numbers approaching yours, with the kind of driving I do and charging only at home. 29/71 is where I'm stuck. OTOH, my lifetime mpg is 83, so I can't be too unhappy with that.
I have almost the exact scenario. My PIP is eight weeks old today, with just under 1000 miles. My longest non work trip was my trip home from the dealer in northern Virginia to home in central Virginia. About the same length commute, speed, charge at home and work. I'm currently 63% EV mode and 37% HV. Cooler in the morning this week and ICE cut on twice this week about 75% into my commute. I don't have my grill blocked. Maybe next winter.