Only a female would dare to be seen in a pink car. She's probably expecting a whole litter of mouselings.
Best way not to attract little guests into your car is not to eat or leave food in it. If you leave something that they might like, they will try every way possible to get in and consume it. You may not be able to smell a tiny morsel left behind and lost under the seat, but they will.
Time to clean every nook of car. Will then use snap traps as suggested. Not willing to put up with a cat.
So the PB&J sandwiches I keep in the glove compartment are not safe???? What about the milk I keep in the center console????????????
Oh good, I know how rats can be fickle. Rats in my neighborhood have a craving for Godiva chocolates. Don't ask me how I know, I'm trying to forget that night.
The milk should be fine, assuming that your Pri has the center console refrigerator option. No rodents I have ever encountered have found their way into the fridge or the freezer.
I mean really, if you don't add that option you're missing out. Refrigerated Snickers??? UMmmm, yes PLEASE. I also added the Velvet Lining option to the pop up glove box. Contains only the finest Grey Poupon.
Isn't mustard risky with the SofTex seats? Even the primo stuff tends to leave a lingering odor and mustard oil stain, At least the milk isn't so oily!
Oh, I don't actually use it. Its just for that one time when someone asks "Pardon me, do you have any Grey Poupon", I can say "But of course". I'm a "good to have it and not need it than to need and and not have it" type of guy.
Ah--an Eagle scout I see! I am suitably impressed by your preparedness, so long as you also pack a set of jumper cables and emergency flares in there.