Can you only open the driver's door on a Prius V 3 without holding the key? I can't seem to get the back to open and there is no sensor on the passenger's front. I am sure going to miss it for grocery shopping.
Oh this makes me sad I am sure I will adjust - and there are so many things that I LOVE about this new car - but I will miss that from my 2005 Gen II.
So the V 3 is not like a standard 3 with the touch lock and unlock? That seems kind if strange. I'll have to let my coworker know who is looking at the V.
It has it, but it's "one-door" SKS (i.e. touch lock/unlock on the driver door only) on the 2 and 3 trim levels vs 3-door on the 5 trim level (driver door, passenger door, rear hatch).
This isn't true. There's a setting in the car "setup" screen that will allow touching the driver's door to unlock all 4 doors and tailgate. I know, because that's the way my V3 is set up.
Yes on ours if you touch the drivers door just the drivers unlocks, but if you touch the pass front door or the tailgate all 4 doors and the tailgate unlock. This is the way we bought it and have not adjusted it. Sometimes it would be nice for all doors to unlock but for us it is a safety concern that all doors don't always unlock. If I want all doors to unlock, I open the pass. door for my lovely wife, then walk around to the drivers door. No problem.
we are confusing the issue here. if you have 'one door sks', when you touch the drivers door handle, it will unlock only the drivers door, or all doors depending on how you have it programmed. if you touch the passenger door handle, or the hatch, nothing happens unless you have three door sks. that was a concern i had as well, when i was researching gen III's and the different packages. i didn't want to lose 3 door sks that came on my 08 pkg 2, but i didn't care about other options that you had to pay for in the higher packages, just to get the 3 door sks.
I have 1-door SKS in my 2012 Prius wagon, and at least a couple times a week I get to hear my wife ask me why I didn't buy the upgraded SKS. Our Prius 2004 spoiled us. If I had a 1-sks car by itself, I would eventually get in the habit of always walking to the driver door first to unlock the car and the extra 3 steps to the hatch would not register as an annoyance. As it is, we use the '04 Prius enough that our habit remains to walk directly to the hatch, only to find it will not open in the wagon. pffft
PS - for anyone with a v2, you can toggle the SKS to unlock all doors by holding both the lock and unlock buttons on the remote until it beeps a few times. It doesn't appear as a setting in the non-nav audio system UI.
It is the only feature from my 2009 trim V that I wish was on my 2012 v Three. At least I have the drivers door unlocking a 5 doors.
My apologies for my erroneous reply above. Jzerocsk is right: the setting isn't in the "SETTINGS" menu in the car, it's exactly what he described above. Works the same way on a V3.
Thank you so much for that information. I had left a post about not being able to unlock the rear passenger door on my 5 when I grabbed the driver's door. (I realized later that only my door was unlocking.) Just went to the Prius and held down the lock and unlock button at the same time and presto all doors now unlock at the same time. There was no where in the book that I could find anything like that, so thanks again.
If you push the unlock button twice all doors will unlock, this is standard feature of the remote, no need to to push both unlock and lock buttons for a few seconds until it beeps.
Pushing both buttons at the same time toggles whether the SKS unlocks just the driver door or all 5 doors when you grab the driver door handle.
Doing this allows prii owners w/3 door SKS to touch the door handle & unlock all the doors. No 1 wants to pull the remote out of their pocket to unlock all the doors or have to hit the switch inside.
Right! We might strain something while reaching in our pockets. All kidding aside, I think that setting SKS to unlock all doors my jeopardize safety in a dark parking lot.
I look at it this way: If its going to can happen day or night. If a thief wants something bad enough he/she will do what ever they can do to get it.