Thanks to numerous members on here to help me along with the decision. I got a the package I want and within budget! One thing I wasn't prepared for is extended factory warranty. Did you guys get one? Also if you guys are looking for one, I think I have some good info to share.
Consensus here is "no way." These cars are among the highest in reliability: Ten-Year Old Toyota Hybrid Priuses Defy Early Critics If you bought one, they have to offer you a refund if you ask.
Congrats twin!!! We didn't talk warranty but I did not get it, big $$$ for a car with such high reliability... I didn't buy anything from the dealer but the car. No warranty, paint protection, interior, etc... Again, congrats and enjoy!
You have a sexy as$ car! Factory Warranty wasn't $$$ and was actually very low. But I can still cancel.
Just so you know, in California: Basic warranty is 3 yrs/36,000 mi Engine/Transmission is 60,000 mi Hybrid System is 10 yrs/150,000 mi An extended warranty doesn't add much coverage to a Prius. Yes, it's possible that you'll use it, but very unlikely. This isn't a Chrysler.