When I drive in the morning , the sun throws a lot of dashboard glare on the windshield ...Its just annoying and bothers me when I see it right in the front of steering wheel on the lower side...Not sure if there is a way to avoid it or "fix" it.
Every car I've ever owned has had this issue. I suggest getting polarized sunglasses. This will help.
My dash is dark colored (factory). Let me see if I can get a dash mat which will prevent it from reflecting the sunlight. Blu-ray I have a Highlander Hybrid , 99 Camry and once owned a 1984 Mazda 323. I never seem to recall having this problem.
I agree. The dash does reflect the bright sun if caught at the wrong angle, especially for the taller driver.
At some point, due to either sun angle or windshield angle there will be some reflection of dash on the windshield. Some cars more than others. You can reduce reflection by covering with a black "DashMat" or similar. Otherwise, don't apply anything on the dash that will shine it up. If reflections on windshield become too glaring, change direction!
I noticed that too briefly when I got mine, but I wanted to protect that huge dash and got one of these for both my Prius and my Venza DashMat Limited Edition Dashboard Cover - Best Price & Free Shipping on DashMat Ltd Edition Dash Covers Works really well and keeps the dash clean. And hugs all the curves, comes precut for all the vents and sensors.
does this dashmat "stick" anything you put on top? Like I put a knick knack or a sunglass pouch on top and want it to stay there on the mat ..
If you stick some velcro on the case, it will stick to the mat. I wouldn't put knick knacks on the dash... and make sure you never put anything over the airbag cover. If the airbag deploys, the knick knack or whatever will become a missile. Not good if someone happens to be in the way.
It will stay better than on the dash, but the velcro tip is a good suggestion. It's not like the thick carpets ones, it's a much thinner cover, but it sits flat, looks nice and feel like it will hold up for a long time. It does come with quite a bit of velcro to hold down the mat, 4 long strips you cut up and stick on your dash. If you get one I suggest laying the mat on your dash a few days without using any, let the basic shape of your dash form the mat a little, then you will find you need much less velcro. I used 2 of the strips cut up obviously, and it has never moved on me. Thinking about it some things would stay, like if you put your wallet or something like that or maybe even a glasses case it probably would stay, but I keep my car really clean so I haven't tested that theory.
The windshield on the Prius has always bothered me in regards to reflection. They have such a steep angle/rake that you are actually looking through the glass at a refractory angle. It sort of like the sloped armor effect on a tank turret. Not much that can be done to eliminate the glare and haze but to keep the glass as clean as possible. That in itself seems like a full time job.