Hopefully this is just isolated and not a new trend, but my cargo shade disappeared after having new tires put on my 2007 Prius. Before going to the shop, I made sure to take everything out of my car. I didn't even think about taking the cargo shade out though. Now I know why it was stolen; they go for about $120.00 on eBay. Just wanted to let everyone know so that it doesn't happen to anyone else. -Michael
They don't sell for that much on Ebay... People who list 'em for that much end up relisting them again and again because most people don't buy them. I highly doubt a tire shop would steal that... Is there any way you could of misplaced it? I mean the whole reason so many people are selling those things on ebay is because nobody wants 'em.
No, I didn't misplace it. I've never taken it out of my car, and I'm the only one that drives my car.
I would throw a hissy at the tire shop. But like Camper says make sure you or the wife didn't remove it.
Thieves steal everything they can get their hands on. I have no doubt that the OP is telling the truth and trying to warn others. The OP may have only 14 posts to record, but has been a member of PC since 2007.
Could the shop have removed the shade for some reason, like checking the spare tire pressure , and then stowed it under the load floor? (Yes, you don't need to remove the shade to access the spare, but who knows?)
That could be a reasonable approach. Call the tire dealer and speak to the manager. Tell him your cargo cover is missing. You know it was there when you brought it in and discovered it was missing when you got home and thought one of the guys must have removed it to get to the spare to check it and forgot to put it back. If that goes nowhere I would talk to the owner, always being polite but insistent that you know it was there before buying tires from there.
I agree that the OP should give the tire store manager a chance. It could be that at the end of the day, the tire changer found some strange shade lying around and was wondering what car it belonged to.
The cargo shade is such a necessary item! It prevents theft! If you are at the mall, you want to hide your packages or other items while shopping so no one will break into your vehicle. Hopefully it is still at the tire shop and was just misplaced. Good luck.
If I was a thief at the mall and saw a car with cargo shade drawn then I would immediately break into the hatch to check out what's hiding in there. It's a sun shade and a theft invitation.
I agree with what 2009Prius just said. If I have something I want to hide, I take the chance by stuffing it under the rear deck in the black storage box. I keep the cover rolled up unless I am coming back from the grocery store on a sunny warm day. Been lucky with the Prius so far, no one has broke in it. They did break in my other vehicle the first part of the year. $1500 worth of damage. They didn't get anything, just rifled the glove box looking for checks or credit cards. Tried to get the stereo, but it didn't happen. They broke in by jamming the door lock in. I hear it is common practice. Like I said earlier in this string thieves will steal anything they can get their hands on.
I like the cover as its keeps the direct sun off the back hybrid battery area too. Cover always extended. Car is tinted but it sure is hot down here in Tampa area. That hatch window is a very good solar cooker. Not as good a cooker as the front window though. Yikes that gets hot up there. I always use my custom fitted PRIUSHOP insulated window shade. Best shade I ever bought. Over 5 years old and still pretty good.
Exactly... If you're a drug addict looking for cars to break into 'because you need money to get your next fix anything in plain sight of value is the primary target and the secondary target is anything that looks like its being hidden. A car with a bunch of old blankets and dirty clothes is going to be of way less interest to them than a car with a cargo shade deployed.
You guys can leave your packages in plain sight if you want and then see what happens. I take my chances with the cover drawn! Never had a problem yet.
I haven't had a problem either. Some stuff is in sight. Some stuff is under the cover. Aww crap. Thanks for reminding me that I left my phone on the dash sitting in the roadster sticky pad. Now I need to make ANOTHER trip to the car.
Agree! I have to question why someone would say this item was stolen during service from their car, yet not provide all the information. Clearing they're indicating that the business is responsible for the theft. Any resonable person would be talking to their service writer and then the store manager before ever posting here.