Installed the V1 hard wired kit in the Prius today. Ran the line along the edge of the ceiling liner, under the pillar and fished it through the kick panel. Used the switched power from the mirror adjustment control and the ground from behind the kick panel bolt. Finally I no longer feel naked!
I put radar detector on the other side and ran the wires in the liner. Connected at the fuse box to acc power. 5 min job.
Why small L? Just wondered if you knew that it reduces the detection range in that mode? I know you want to filter X band and K band - reduce false alerts.
While I always like to see good instals, I hope you plan on removing it every time you leave the car. It's like taping a $500 dollar bill to the inside of your windshield, and expecting the window to be in one piece, much less the 500 still being there when you get back to the car! I don't know where you live, you should add a little data to your profile, but here in L.A., it's almost the number one theft report I read in the local email that reports crime in my area! Until I started to get this stuff, I never new "Smash & Grab" thefts are out of control. I put a component system in my car, and then hid the remote head I just need to hear it, it doesn't have to be seen! I don't know if you you know about this site, but they make a great mount, specifically for a Valentine one. Check it out... Valentine One Radar Detector Mount I like the neat factor, I just hope you keep it long enough to save you from a ticket!!!
I totally agree with your view of putting a good radar detector is like putting a $500 on your windshield. There is a tint on the top of the wind shield that makes it impossible to see from the front. My other windows are tinted and you cannot see it from the side. In that location no one can see it. I had the exact same bell unit you have that that pic in 2000 4Runner I mounted the receivers in the grill and he back of the car. Here is a pic of the same receiver. That pic is 12 years old.
I still have my 4Runner. Swear on stacks of whatever, beat 7 radar traps in the years I ran the truck. In fact I never got a speeding ticket, just other stupid stuff!. It would have been a ticket for sure, it's simply my 4Runner loves to groove at 82 mph. It just hums along at that speed!As soon as I hear that "Sound", I just lightly lift off the gas and play find the chippie. Most alerts I hear are from reflections on the cars in front of me that are being hit by the radar unit sitting on the on ramp. Once you figure out the pattern, sweet! I consider the Bel the best investment I have put into that truck. I know that Valentine makes a remote head, but you have to then bury the receiver, and that really is not a good idea. With your tints, maybe you will be OK, hope so!. The Blend mount has a quick disconnect option, just unplug pull and go!
Hey I thought Prius drivers were slow? Anyways stay away from VA, I think radar detectors illegal, or used to be anyway.
Yep they still are illegal. I understand state police use radar detector detectors as well. If you get busted, they may fine you or take the serial number. If the number is found again, I think they can take the unit. Seems in MD and VA as long as you don't stand out as the most aggressive, you're fine, sometimes, that doesn't even matter. I haven't had a detector in 10 years and don't even worry on the highways.
I thought that information is in my profile, I live in Chino Hills. I don't think most people know what the V1 is and how much it's worth. In addition it's hardly noticeable from outside of the car. Unless you know exactly what you are looking for. But if I was going to LA area I will definitely take it off when I park the car. (only at night)
I have a Passport 9500 which is a little smaller than the V1. I did basically the same install, but put it in the far left top corner of the windshield. It is virtually invisible from the outside. It does block the sunvisor from being used on the side window, though. Otherwise I really like it there
You can also run the wire down behind the glove box and tap the accessory plug below the radio, it's switched power and if you have the remote display it can go in the compartment behind the tinted flip down door under the radio. Just stick it to the inside top area. You will have to drill a hole in the back of the compartment for the wire.