Yup. Feel your pain! You need to show those of us way over here across the Pond, what your 10th anniversary looks like inside and out, next time you drop by planet earth. Unless of course, you have some old pictures taken during recent visits.
I think the only picture I have on the inside is the one I posted here but as for the outside I have quite a few lol Here is a link to my gallery on priuschat My new Prius | PriusChat I'm on my second one, the white one, that's how much I like them Ok I went out and took a picture of the inside.
That's good to know... But completely different attitude with the kids about the Prius here in Melbourne down under. Somehow they think you are gutless driving one of these, and certainly not a vehicle they positively praise about. Galaxy Nexus ? 2
If you had high population density, higher pollution and higher fuel such as ours, your kids might stop thinking the latest Holden V8 was cool. Sure, kids still like Ferrari's here but the hybrids do stoke an interest with them too. When it costs over £100 (US$150/AU$145) to fill up an Audi, then priorities will change.
Duly impressed with your picture taking and manipulation. Very nice interior. What colour do they call your leather? The Salt Flats version of your car is a hoot! Might want to have it built to see how fast you can get going... in a very straight line! Thanks for the picture!
Do you realize the professional deiver of Nescar 'flying' at 280+ mph with their hands bend and their chest almost touchhing the wheel?
That's true grumpy... A few of my pommie friends told me how horrendously expensive fuel is in UK. V6/V8 certainly are rare in UK. We have it far too cheap for far too long. But our wages are a little higher so people happily keep buying those gas guzzlers. Galaxy Nexus ? 2