The bent con rod will be very obvious, but check the bottom edge of the bore where the rod has likely hit it small chipping is ok since the rings do not get down that far, but a crack is really a scrap engine> John (Britprius)
In the long run I still think it's easier/cheaper to just change out the entire engine. I know one Prius owner who changed a rod with engine in the car then found other he had to change out the entire engine anyway. He regretted not swapping the engine in the first place so think through your options carefully.
Paul I'm inclined to agree with you, but just pointing out the options. A look at the bottom of the engine would only take 1/2 hr. John (Britprius)
If you are in central FL, Take the Prius to Mellor's as they have been good to other Prius owners. mellor's automotive JeffD
i recall that my dad, a metalurgist, had this black light and this fosforescent dye/powder (dye penatrent) that could be applied to an engine block or metal chunk to test /see any hairline cracks that may exist... perhaps that is something else I can look at after a visual inpsection of the bottom crank area ...
in looking up about the oil pan i found this procedure saying REMOVE THE ENGINE before removing the oil pan -- which wont be 30 min !!!! HowToRepairGuide: (remove engine prior) How to Replace Oil Pan on Toyota Prius? Autozone : (remove engine prior) | Repair Guides | Engine Mechanical Components | Oil Pan | Also, looking at the pictures here : Replaced Oil Pan Gasket | PriusChat It doesnt actually look like complete exposure for visuals of the crank/connecting rods with this 04 pan removed ...
as an aside : what happens running 1 gallon of biodeisel into the prius .. excellent views of under the engine and pistons (this is a gen 1 (2001)
ScanMaster is a generic OBDII Android app. Download the free version of Torque and see if it functions for generic codes. If it does, pay $4.95 for Torque Pro to get access to Prius specific codes. JeffD
just as an odd note.... the intake manifold has to be spotless in order for the car to work. in the event (unrelated in a way) that your oil is overfilled, the tiny amounts get into the intake through the emissions recovery lines and then the loss of pressure registered on those lines causes the car to not even try running the engine. back to my odd point... make sure those lines are clean and make sure the intake is clean. blow the lines out with air (disconnect and clean then reconnect) even if the water didn't hit the cylinders, the water being in the intake caused the emission recovery system to flip out because it loss pressure due to air no longer moving. or it's something worse. (my apologies if i didn't read any updates, i'm about to run out and do errands and saw this post so i wanted to mention that odd bit)
well i dont have android or smart fone 4 that matter so .. I dont think it applies .. either a win , Mac or linux laptop ...
Yeah, finike. In fact the water did go to the oil resoirvor ... as I noticed an 'above full' on the dipstick (that would be me for allowing a gravity siphon to occurr !) -- I have drained all the oil , I am in the process of removing the pan, the pan gasket is really on there with what looks like permaflex silicone .. and 11x 10mm bolts .. (which i need to look the torque up for future re-assembly)- I think i need to use the metal spatula - prob. better than screwdrivers....
Then download Priidash. PriiDash(TM) - Enhanced Instrument Panel and Data Logger for the Prius and more There is a discussion of PriiDash at: PriiDash (TM) | PriusChat JeffD
they wont you to have a linux o/s terminal on the windows first ? because when I try to install by running the win setup.exe file, it says the .dll file is not installed ..
Google the name of the dll and download it to the folder where the setup.exe is. If you're lucky, that'll work. Otherwise you might have to put the dll file elsewhere. And worst case you'll need soemething more than a dll.
AND --- .. there are TWO oil pans .. the #1 is the lower one , which doesnt require engine removal but also dosent expose much of the bottom of the engine .. AND it requires a special tool Image Search Results for SST 09032-00100 for removal of pan1 .. well we'll see how far I get with the metal spatula .... ;(