Rocky was one of the best stories to hit the silver screen. Some things might not be spot on, but it was based largely on real events.
I voted sports (Phillies). I'm from the UK. In May 2005 I had a 2 week vacation in the USA: - NY: 3 NY Mets games - Philadelphia: 3 Phillies games - Baltimore: 1 Orioles game - DC: 1 DC United game, also met up with a someone I'd met on the Internet. - Baltimore: 1 Orioles game - Take bus from Baltimore to NY, take bus from NY to Boston, take bus from Boston to a city in Maine you probably haven't heard of. - Finally meet girlfriend I'd met on the Internet and spent a week with her, including her driving me down to Gillette Stadium to watch the most boring soccer game I have ever seen in my entire life and I've seen a few. (The definition of irony: flying from England to the USA on vacation and watching a soccer game where the best players are missing because the USA is playing England in a friendly International.) We'd also have gone to at least one Portland Sea Dogs game but rained every single day in Maine while I was there. Subsequent vacations to the USA were more frequent that I'd planned and didn't involve any trips to sports events. See left hand side to see what eventually happened. I still occasionally apologize to my wife for that soccer game.
So you got the girl but endured horrible soccer in the states. Sounds like a good deal. Most men would go to the ends of the world for the right gal
Independence Hall, Liberty Bell, Ben Franklin, Delaware River, Franklin Institute. Somebody PLEASE melt down the tacky "Rocky" statue and dump the phony schmaltz in the Delaware River.
I said other because I think of South did Rocky Balboa ...but cheese steaks is good second place answer, and we can tell you they are not the same elsewhere.
probably nothing, the whole liberty bell/ben franklin thing might just leave a bad taste in your mouth.
I always wonder if the English are upset with losing all that global Real Estate. Guess there happy that English is the global language of commerce or has that changed also?
Did the trek up the steps that Rocky worked out on - it was steps in a journey to complete a college assignment. Philly is worth a visit for sure.
I think we're over it, but your time is to come. I think America is at the stage we were at in 1950. Your influence is waning and protectionism won't help either. The World changed after WWII and we had to get used to it and now it has changed again and you're gonna have to get used to it.
Most poms (english people) would go to the end of the world, climbing over the perfect girl for a great soccer game BTW, when I think philly, I think cream cheese spread New Chocolate PHILADELPHIA | PHILADELPHIA Cream Cheese
Funny The trick is finding the perfect gal to join you at the game, and occasionaly get into her world as well.
Here lies W. C. Fields. I would rather be living in Philadelphia. This was an epitaph Fields proposed for himself in a 1925 article in Vanity Fair. Copied from Wikipedia to save typing
Famous W.C. Fields Quotes. Last week, I went to Philadelphia, but it was closed. And There comes a time in the affairs of man when he must take the bull by the tail and face the situation.
Geno get used to it. In California most any job dealing with the public requires English and Spanish. This is the new way. If you say speak English this is America you get a bad label.