I just picked up my Prius C Three last night and I love the smart key for getting in the car and just hitting the power button without taking the key out of my pocket! However when I get out of the car and leave, does the car automatically lock when I get a certain distance away from the car or do I have to hit the lock button on either the door or the key? Thanks!
Thanks. Wasn't sure if there were any settings for Automatically locking the doors, but the lock on the door handle will work fine.
No button. Swipe the handle sensor. I hit the lock button on the inside as I get out. Habit from my 06IV. I like the auto unlock feature when you stop...
lol... my wife hates that and had me program it so it wouldn't unlock when the car is put into park. Long story... don't ask.
Yep, I found that out this afternoon. I was using the button inside, but found out about swiping the two "lines" on the handle. mobile phone ?
Is there any way to make it so that when I turn the car off and walk away, it realizes that my key fob is not in the area anymore and locks the car? long story short, I normally am leaving the car with my hands extremely full and often forget to push the button and since I don't have the key in my hand like a normal car, I forget to hit the lock on the fob or the door. possible?
Consider it a safety feature. Depending on where you are (parking garage at night, bad neighborhood, etc.), would you want the doors to automatically unlock and give access to nefarious evildoers?
Found out something about the smart key last night. My wife left her purse with the second fob in the car. Neither the swipe lock on the handle nor the handle unlock sensor worked. It was still possible to lock/unlock via the fob. I'm sure it's so that you can't lock your fob in. You find out all sorts of things when you never read the manual.
one of the many things i like is that it is darn near impossible to lock your keys in the car. thats great for someone like me
Will Prius C 3 with the smart key auto lock the car when you get out of the car? The C 2 will auto lock when you get out of the car after a minute or 2, but it doesn't seem to do that for the C3. Is there a setting that I can program it to auto lock when get out of the car without swipe the sensor?
No Prius c should "auto lock" when you walk away, as I understand it. In Australia there is one situation where the doors can lock by themselves and in the US there are three. The one we share is: If you unlock the car, but do not open any doors within 60 seconds, the doors will lock again. This feature is on by default, but can be turned off by a dealer. The two additional situations the US versions have are: Shifting the selector to a position other than P locks all doors. Again this on by default, but can be turned off by following instructions in the manual. In vehicles with SKS (ie. C3 and C4), the doors can be set to lock automatically when vehicle speed increases above approx. 12 mph. This is off by default, but can be turned on by following instructions in the manual.