Greetings. I have a 2013 PIP and I'd like to connect my existing standalone Sirius Starmated ST2 portable receiver to the car's existing antenna. Does anyone know where it is? Why not just use the built-in Sirius satellite radio, you ask? 2 reasons. First, because the built-in radio is inferior. But secondly, and more importantly, Sirius will not let me transfer my lifetime Sirius account more than once more, so I would be stuck and effectively lose my lifetime if I dump the PIP.
In installations like this, wouldnt you be just using the antenna connection where it normally plugs into the head unit? I'm guessing this would be installed like an old school "FM modulator"? But if you're looking for the actual antenna itself, it looks like its all part of the antenna on the roof (this is from the 2011 service manual, but I'd guess 2012/2013 is the same)
Ahhhh, I see what you're saying. So, in the rear of the head unit/assembly/6.1" touchscreen area, there must be an antenna connection similar to the one discussed on this Ford truck: Can I use factory Sirius antenna on aftermarket pioneer z2? - Satellite Radio - Other Products - Crutchfield Forums I guess I was hoping it would involve less screw-removing, but that comes with the territory. Thanks, Tracksyde
It's not difficult to run an antenna from the glove box/dash area up the A-pillar, across the headliner,, to the vanity light console near the rear view mirror. You can install an antenna there. Or, you can just install one in the dashboard, as far forward as possible.
Thanks, rebound, but I'm trying to minimize exposed wires and the antenna itself. Shouldn't be too difficult to re-use the existing OEM antenna on the roof. But, I might just take the lazy route and run the aftermarket antenna as you suggested...
Check Spider-Man's sticky post -- I'm pretty sure you can dismantle the entire dash without using a screwdriver, except for 4 Philips screws that hold the radio unit in. Why don't you post a link to the Sirius unit you want to use, and explain the bracket that you'll use to hold it in place? Is your car PiP Basic or Advanced?
So here is an update. I’m all done (for now.) Now, Sirius and their unnecessary & restrictive transfer of “lifetime” policies on OEM/in-car receivers can go kiss my a**. I still wanted to use the OEM antenna, instead of running an inferior antenna to the outside of the car. I took a gamble & purchased an SFA12F adapter such as: Lexus Shark Fin Antenna Connection Cable XM Sirius Is | eBay even though my car was not listed as compatible. Since it did not fit exactly, I had to make one small adjustment with an exacto-knife since the OEM antenna connector (IMG_0469.jpg) w/ the blue connector, didn’t quite fit exactly. It was a quick mod, and it does work. See (467) showing the SFA12F, showing both the good and bad notches at the bottom. In (471), I velcro’d that bad boy, so as to minimize wire damage, interference, static, etc. I ran the antenna back down the center (473) and taped it in place (472.) I wire-managed and ran the wires up to my Sirius receiver. I used 1 screw and some Velcro to secure the radio to that console piece as shown in (474) and (477). I was also able to run the 3.5mm audio cable and the Sirius power cable back inside the center console and out the bottom, for a cleaner, less-cluttered look. All done, (479) shows the wires coming out from under the center console as best I could, to hide them. The reception on my Sirius is now much better than when it had its own antenna up at the front of the Prius under the windshield. Important note: During installation/testing, I may have started the car without the HV/ECO/PWR cables plugged in. This cause the HSI to throw an error. When done, to clear the error, just restarting the car 3 times clears the error (as I learned from another forum here on Not sure if it was worth the time I spent, but, now I know more about this car which I will own for many years. Thanks to everyone for the help J
I have to say that pic 467 - the happy face and sad face made it for me. After almost two years of having a crappy sirius reception since I changed my OEM HU for a Pioneer, I took the plunge and bought the Lexus IS Shark Fin Antenna adapter. Yup, the only thing I needed to do was to cut off that sad face part from the connector and "click" went right in. I did a 10min test around the hood and noticed the change immediately! Finally, satellite radio reception, not AM under a bridge on a rainy day. So, thank you for doing this first and taking the time to document!!
I'm sorry... I have a silly question. I am replacing my built-in SAT HU, so I have to get a new SAT tuner. Right now, behind the HU all I see is a male, blue, antenna plug. I can't tell where it goes. I plan on putting the tuner in the dash (unless I can't for some reason)... So I would like to just adapt this plug directly to the tuner. I wouldn't need anything long like I've been seeing. Reilogix, where are you in the car in IMG0471? Can anyone help?
Hello, Anne. I'll do my best to assist but I'm not sure I understand completely. Also, does your HU have built-in Satellite capability? If so, then your blue antenna plug (with or without a [modified] adapter,) could plug right in? Looking at image 471, I believe I am looking from the driver seat into the head unit area directly, or perhaps down to the left side under the shifter areas. My apologies I could not be more clear here...
Are you saying the aftermarket Sirius/XM antennae will receive through the glass of the windshield? THAT would solve a lot of wiring problems!
A satellite antenna will work through glass as long as there’s no metal in the glass. I found this PDF listing car models which have metal in the windshield. Current Prius isn’t listed, but we’d need to check if this list is current.