I think the Prius has another thing that beats all the cars mentioned and that's the fact it doesn't require premium fuel. BMW = premium, VW = diesel (aka premium price) and I'm pretty sure Lexus = premium. With all of these cars considered, the Prius is the clear winner. As for the bike, I recommend a hitch mounted bike carrier. I know this is not as good as putting it inside but, I'm just trying to give you suggestions.
For reference, I have a Trek bike that will fit in my Prius liftback with both rear seats down and the front wheel removed.
I other reason I need it inside and not on the hitch is I bring it to work with me to ride after work on group rides. It's safe and secure in the car. Hitch already planned though. And thanks GSW, I'm aware of that.
To my surprise, thumbsup from Prius Chat... Should go rent one today/weekend. But maybe just take the plunge and just do it.. there isn't really a 2nd place as the BMW 328i Wagon doesn't come close overall. Prius II or III with Plus Package or Blizzard White Persona? Borrowed pic from GCONRAD.
I had a dark gray Camry and so did everyone else before I traded it in for a Prius. The Blizzard White is classy and I like the wheels.
We were going to purchase our 57Kmile 2010 Solar Roof model IV in blizzard pearl when the lease ended last month. But, we were offered such a good deal on a new Persona also in blizzard pearl, it was a no brainer to get it. LOVE the interior and the new wheels. We did lose heated seats (who needs them in SoCal?), homelink and the sunroof, but we gained wheels/tires, fog lights, a fresh warranty, 24 months maintenance and the NEW CAR SMELL! It's quite noticeable how much more confidently this one corners than our 2010 IV. Must be the tires ...
You are right about the used car prices, they just don't make sense. So you did notice the improved handling due to 17" wheels? Nice.. Fog Lights aren't part of Persona package. The Sunroof looks great outside, pops out like to form windscreen and spoiler.. but don't like the fact that it open like 3/4 of the way.
At 85, I notice the Prius v feels taxed. At 65-75 you can cruise comfortably but you will notice the drop in mpg vs cruising at 55-60. I came from an '02 WRX so I know what you mean about the addiction to HP/torque. I went from being the fastest car in traffic to the slowest. It has been an exercise in zen. I arrive at work maybe 10 minutes later than I did in my WRX but I'm more relaxed. I also LOVE going from 23-27 mpg to 43-50 mpg. That driving slower mostly happens not because I can't drive faster (my Prius v has power when I need it) but rather from the instant feedback you get on mpg when you stomp on the throttle. It has trained me to be a more patient driver. I think I'm actually better off having had this experience, I notice people that didn't like to ride with me (maybe due to my close quarter traffic negotiation skills) are now giving me another chance. Good luck with your choice!
I traded a BMW 335xi coupe for the Prius. Yes the Prius is slower but more than adequate. Our Prius is pretty basic but it is comfortable and suits my interests now. It is all about what you want. It is not a luxury car even if you get the highest option versions but it is very well engineered and is easy to live with.
I may be a point of reference. I purchased a 325I in 2006 and sold it in 2012 for a Prius. Paid 37 sold it for 16. The Bimmer was a fun car to drive. Mine had the sport package and it gripped the road. It had enough power to get me out of any jam. The seats were comfortable. It is a status luxury car. The rear seats were not good for passengers. It took premium gas. Mileage was awful. Insurance was expensive. The car was always needing fixing. It was expensive to keep on the road. I won't buy another German car as long as I live. I owned Honda, Acura and Toyota before with no major problems. The Prius is not as expensive as a BMW. The Prius is cheaper to fix. Is more reliable. Gets better gas mileage. Is more fun. Back seats have plenty of room. More economical, technical, and just a Better car all around car. The picture is the Prius car club members.
I hear ya. I used to run as my d d , F250 Powerstroke Diesel. Man the power and the torque is unreal. I now use the Prius as the d d. It took some getting used to, but the fuel savings is fantastic. The Prius will cruise at 85 on minor rolling hills. But, with more traffic on the roads, speeds are more like 30 - 55. Still have the Diesel beast, used only for hauling / towing camper and a m/c trailer. DBCassidy
A BMW 328i wagon starts at $38,000. It's not apples-to-apples with a Prius. The BMW is heavier, faster, has way better handling and a more luxurious interior. I owned a 1996 BMW 328i. I loved it. I love my Prius in a different way... It's like the old VW Beetle. It hums. While other cars zoom and vroom, this car hums. Yes, it's efficient and reliable... but life's short. This car puts a smile on my face, and if it doesn't bring you any joy, buy a different car.
I would buy that used.. and actually they don't make the E91 anymore... so buying new isn't an option.. as well as the 335d.. both gone and replaced by F30 body.
Not sure if the bike is going to fit in the Prius with one seat up. I often stick my road bike in the back of the Prius (front wheel off) with no problem. Never thought to try with one side of the seat up. Might work. Prius is a much (unfairly) maligned road car. Second Gen wasn't what I would call a linear car going down the highway at speed, but the Third Gen is dialed in. Comfortable for long trips on the interstate and you get the benefit of 50 mpg or more. We average 53 mpg with our Four. Drove a non stop in it from Florida back to Maine last Summer in good weather (only one torrential downpour for about 10 miles on I95 in Georgia)... and I was extremely impressed with the car. Have not had any disappointments with this car so far, other than the hard interior plastics used on dash and doors. Driver's layout is super. Check it out well, since a few have mentioned finding the seat to steering wheel positioning uncomfortable. I haven't had that problem. Let us know what you finally decide on.
Looks great Mike! My 2 favorite colors.. white and gray... which one?? I guess since the Persona only come in white.. that makes it easy if I go Persona.. but I could get the Prius 3 with Plus if I want gray... but lose Softex.