My wife's new plug in keeps tripping the GFCI wall recepticle after a few minutes. Nothing else is plugged in to the recepticle. It's a 20 amp circuit and the GFCI has been tested with a GFCI tester and trips at the proper levels. Ideas?
You need an electrician. Toyota SHOULD have recommended a new dedicated circuit for your garage. Burning down your house trying to 'get by' is not very energy efficient. Need advice - Outlet caught fire | PriusChat The "Whats New?' chat is full of stories about a 2004 converted to Plug in that burned down the house in California. I have not kept up but it sounds as if the same guy had an earlier fire and did not learn from it. Let him be YOUR example.
Mine plug into a shared circuit, and never have any problem. You may need to consult with an electrician.
It is a dedicated 20 amp circuit and a properly working GFCI. My point is, has anyone else experienced this when everything at home is wired properly?
If you suspect the problem is the charger or the car, you may verify it at another location, a friend's house or at a dealership.
To the OP: How old is the GFCI? They can/do sometimes go bad with age.... If you're handy, replace it and see what happens. FWIW- the PIP's EVSE also has it's own GFCI built in.