What a non-committal storm! It has been fun (not) watching the weather folks try to make it sound exciting when they haven't nailed down what kind of damage it will cause... other than the fact it plans on sticking around like a bad relative coming to visit... Yawn... generator is ready, going to fill up the water jugs, buckets and troughs and make sure the truck is fueled up. I got some grief at the feed store when I loaded 400 lbs of grain into the back of the Prius... the feed store employee said, "Don't you think it is time you got a truck?!" Moi?!Need a truck?! My reply, "I have a truck. I didn't feel like fueling it up." His reply, "I guess it costs a lot less to fuel up that Prius." Yup and I have the space to haul grain!
Well, they blew the call on the last storm here on Feb 8th- we got three feet of snow. The highway Superintendent had to resign after that fiasco. Funny thing is- the new Superintendent was just sworn-in yesterday... just in time for the next storm!
Thought I dodged a bullet... sun was out yesterday and woke up to snow. At least in March, if you don't like the weather, wait 5 minutes. It's supposed to be in the 50s next week.
That was great reply! We got 3 inches here and my guy plowed. I'm getting old. In Alaska we would get 3 feet and i would plow.
A dusting compared to upstate NY winters... luckily it melted on contact with the driveway and it is still trying to make a feeble attempt at making an attempt at attracting the Weather Channel's attention!
LOL - Sandy was not a "winter" storm (but "normal" for my interpretation of NE autumn storms)... although in upstate NY some folks would beg to differ with the weather systems they might get in that time frame.
Nope, just Mother Nature's punching bag. We don't "age" in New England... I prefer to say that we "weather."
Anomalies occur in every region in every season. I am just glad to see snow a few more times in winter, as opposed to the previous few years when we hardly received any...
I have family in Long Island. They faired well. Just lost some electricity for a few days. It was a terrible inconvience for them. Especially since they did not prepare prior to the storm. My NY family are very resiliant lot. The world can be ending and I ask my relatives how it is going and the typical response everything is fine could not have been better. Go Figure.
I hear you. I lived in Syracuse in 76-79 and used to do lots of driving in hulvaton (sp) and govenore (sp). The snow around where I live now is nothing is comparison.