Sad, people don't like Prius because of the driver not because of the car. There are so much negative stigma associated with Prius owners. I think it's time we forget the MPG and let's just drive "normal".
Or we can continue to drive how we want and save money. Let people get butt hurt for a Prius driver doing the speed limit. It's their problem. Not mine.
Agreed. If they want to be annoying let them be, but THEIR wallets will be suffering later, and they can then claim we are the "arrogant" ones when they are paying $60 at the pump and I'll be paying $20 or less! I do drive normal in some situations to be curteous, but "normal" is gas-guzzling disregard for everyone but yourself and disregard for the environment. Why is it a crime to be a responsible driver? Their problem, not mine!
I got to stop reading/writing these kind of threads. I am starting to realize that because since the idea of so many non Prius drivers are "against" me due to stereotyping entered my mind, I've been paying attention and caring too much on how other drivers behave on the road. Getting cutoff among other things are quite common even before I started driving a Prius. However, I feel that I am more defensive due to the fact that I am driving a Prius. Maybe I am a little smug myself
One of my friends calls my car and its driver Pius as in "Marked by false devoutness; solemnly hypocritical" but what does he know?
I have huge respect for this redneck. He test drove a prius and found out that prius is not a slow car. It's the drivers that are slow. This is what I'm saying all the time here. If we want to stop the prius stigma and hatred, we need to be more considerate on the roads and stop blocking the traffic.
I strongly disagree with you. You forget you are not the only one using the road as you are shearing it with the other drivers. Your actions are very inconsiderate to the others and propagate the prius hate.
Having more Hybrid racing events would help also. Hybrids are not slow!! Audi's hybrid takes Le Mans victory, twice | The Car Tech blog - CNET Reviews
Exactly, I really hate to be guilty by association. Just think more people would be buying the Prius is there not such a bad stigma associated with owning one
Even more, in his short drive he figured out that maximizing EV use hurts MPG in the long run. Something many Prius drivers are not able to understand.
Speaking of stereotypes, how about pipe-smoking Volvo station wagon owners. Usually found at the beginning of a rolling traffic jam.
I'm really surprised to see that the stigma has not gone away. I personally have not witnessed an "inconsiderate" Prius driver even before I owned a Prius. I didn't learn about this till I own one myself. Its been over 10 years since the first Prius. For crying out loud, how long did it take us to stop hating on the Countries that we fought? A couple of generations? Prii is on the 3rd Gen for crying out loud
I live in Nashville and with regards to "smug"? Not so much... people here laugh at the Prius. They are of the opinion that they are slow, a nuisance on the road, and must be owned by a tree hugger who relocated from CA.
Yes and no, individual driving styles varies. Grandma in a Grand Marquis, a distracted Mother in a mini-van, or a teenager talking on the cell phone and putting on makeup in a VW can be considered "Inconsiderate" IMHO driving includes adjusting to all of the above. To an experience driver, reacting by keep a distance or passing these "Inconsiderate" drivers should be second nature. To me, passing is a breeze even in a Prius, I just don't understand why others get so worked up over doing such trivial task in their much much faster vehicles (turn signal, cut to next lane, pass said car, turn signal, cut in front) done! Rocket Science 101. Now the idea of conforming to everyone else really gets me. If the norm is going 10 mph over the speed limit and I am driving the speed limit, then I am considered slow and affecting the flow of traffic, really? I hypermile or race like a maniac on my own schedule. Doing what others would like me to do is just not me.