I already have some discussion about this in the general forum but I didn't want to mislead people with the title of the other thread and thought I might get better input here. Mods please feel free to delete or merge threads here... I have a 2012 Prius One which does not have an EV button next to ECO and PWR mode buttons, there's just a blank cover there instead of the EV button. I want to try adding an EV button as I think the functionality is all there except for the missing button. Can anybody with a 2010+ Prius (other than a model One) pull their shifter cover off (pops off easily by hand, pull at the left edge) and see how many wires connect to the black connector in the picture below? I'm hoping that just 6 of the 8 pins/wires are populated as shown below which probably means if I add the button it will work. I took the button assembly apart and the circuit board is slightly different for Prius Ones as evidenced by the lack of button or LED: I tried shorting the two contacts together at the missing button location but no go. Unfortunately the traces can't be followed back to the pins at the connector so I don't know which vehicle wires would correspond with the EV button. If somebody could confirm their black connector has 6 wires that will give me hope that it's possible to add EV mode to my car Otherwise, I will need to trace this wire harness back to it's origin and hope that I can add a couple wires for EV function wherever that may be.
if I am correct all buttons are mometary and not closed. Directly shorting the wire may not work, It may be a loop to ground to set the EV mode or to Positive. I find it odd that you dont have the button at all.
I agree. I never use it. Not sure why someone would (maybe I'm missing something). You don't need the EV button to go electric and the 12 & 13s have the EV symbol on the dash.
know They are momentary. Shorting the contacts and releasing would have the same effect as pressing the button and releasing. Through more research I do believe I am missing the extra 2 wires which haven't been run at all. I was digging through the tech manual last night and found that the EV button connects to pins L5 and L13 of the Power Management Control ECU behind the glove box. So if I do have to run some wires I it's not a very long run.
That 8-cavity connector is L78. They are arranged like this: lock tab 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 The circuits are as follows: 1 Illumination (-) Brown 2 ECO Mode Green 3 EV Mode Black 4 Illumination (+) Green 5 Ground White-Black 6 empty 7 Power Mode Green 8 Hazard Lights Yellow The EV mode green wire goes to Junction 3A, an 84 cavity junction block buried in the dash, just left of center, near the top. It goes in at 3A-19 and comes out at 3A-79. It eventually ends up at the A/C Amplifier connector L17-15. The A/C amp appears to be located near the bottom center of the instrument panel. Doesn't look like fun.
Thanks for the info, Priusinparadise. Looking behind the glovebox, pin L5-13 on the ecu connector is missing the wire for EV mode. I think just adding this wire and connecting it to the EV mode switch should work - only problem is I have no idea what kind of pin I need or where to get it. Here's a pic of the L5 connector with the missing wire in the #13 place for EV mode: Here's a picture of the other side of the connector after removing it from the power management ecu. I searched for "JAE F" connector and couldn't find specifics or pins for it. Does anybody know where to get pins for the L5 and L78 connectors?
My experience is that you can more consistently get into EV operation with the gas pedal rather than the EV Mode button.
Check the aftermarket wiring harness kits for adapting audio systems to Toyotas. If the pins are the same, just pop it out of the kit.
A good idea, but I don't believe the wiring harness for the head unit uses the same type of connectors/pins that the power management ecu does. To all posting about why I should or should not be doing this - you are wasting your breath. This thread is about technical information on HOW to do this, not WHY I'm doing this. If you have nothing to contribute to the thread other than to try and talk me out of doing this, then please don't post. Feel free to start a new discussion topic if you want to talk about why the crazy guy wants to add an EV button to his car.
Bump for connector/pin info on the pwr mgmt. ecu L5 connector and the EV switch L78 connector. I think I'm just a couple pins away from getting this to work.
EV is useless. just clutters your dash. As mentioned in previous posts, you can obtain EV (regardless of speed) by gas under the half mark of ECO, battery fully charged, and engine warm. You might be able to use EV, when engine cold for <10mph and <25mph when engine warm for maybe a mile and not punishing the accelerator. So, it seems like something to do in a parking lot. Then again, you can obtain the same pure electrical output just by letting of off the gas in that parking lot. I would spend my time in something else, maybe adding the rear wiper.
I've still been unable to source the pins for these two types of connectors. Please chime in if you have info on them, thanks!