I have only filled up once since purchasing our "C1" and the first tank only yielded 39 mpg, hope it changes the more we drive it. So far I love this car, just hope it gets better after the break in period
I am about two and some tanks in, and am getting about 58 actual MPG, and the car's computed consumption is quite close to my calculated consumption. Granted, to data points do not sound statistical analysis make. YM, as they say, MV. Nexus 4 ? 2
Just bought my (first) 2012 C (2) on Monday, drove it on a trip to visit family totalling over 600 miles. I managed to get 56 mpg on interstate 15 at 68-72 mph for over 100 miles only dropping off slightly to 52 when climbing out of Temecula. I love love love this car! Around San Diego I consistently get 50-60 mpg, 70 when not going uphill and traffic is good. Even still, it almost never gets less than 42 as long as I accelerate smoothly.
That is the portion of the drive that I think is ruining my mileage, two trips a week from menifee to San Marcos. Takes quite a bit of throttle to maintain speed through fallbrook/rainbow area and up near Gopher Canyon.
Btw, my first post was skeptical of the mpg after the first tank, it is much better now after the 2nd fill up. We went from a tank average of 39mpg to 47 on this last tank ( via "Car Care iPhone app calculations) becoming happier with this car the more we drive it
My overall at 3724 mileage on 2012 Prius is 47.8 mpg. I drive half freeway, half highway/rural roads.
Overall at about 8 kilomiles, I'm at about 56 MPG. I'd be doing better if my better half weren't such a lead-foot. I've been working on getting her to drive more Zen; baby steps!
I've had my PC2 for about a month now. I was so excited about it that I've already put 3k miles on it. I use any excuse to get in it and drive somewhere! Anyhow, after reading about and watching videos on ow to drive these cars, as well as hypermiling techniques I have increased my overall mileage. I do a combination of city/hwy driving, all over the county, and San Diego is anything but flat! i have also made two trips totalling about 600 miles each. The latest one saw a calculated mileage of 52.9 at highway speeds I feel pretty good about these mileages considering how much UPHILL driving I am forced into due to the terrain here. On the plus side, the return trip nearly always makes up for it. Coasting is my best friend here, and I've Learned how to feather the pedal to coast by feel... I don't want to say I am becoming one with my baby, but that's exactly whatis happening! This current tank is reading an overall average of 55.5, realistically-53-54. I hope as the weather warms up, my hybrid driving skills improve and as the car continues to break in that I will be able to achieve high 50's + on a regular basis.
Bought the "C" to replace a E320CDI(35city/39hwy).Truly surpassing my mpg expectations and not having to pay the extra bucks for diesel.Now get me a 14 gal. tank and i`ll be totally satisfied.
This car really hates anything under 40 degree weather. I can tell a drastic difference just at that one degree mark. But having said that, I am at 3600 miles and 52.2 mpg per the car.
For a while, I thought that my gas meter was broken because it did not move at all! I finally saw a change today. My mpg is usually around 54-56...even in Michigan!
I just got my White Prius C three fresh out of the inncubator (5 miles on the OD drove it out to the coast line here in Northern CA and back and it said I was getting 58.4 MPG over all. However around town driving (stop n go) it varied ALOT. Im hunting for cute wheels (ok I'm a female used cute to discribe wheels) 16" that wont kill my MPG's and it's frustrating! I am glued to the forums but it's all over the place and very old info as well
welcome C4me! what kind of wheels are you looking at? i could perhaps help. also, what part of NorCal? i'm in the bay area.
Just picked up my new 2012 habanero C3 last Saturday. So far I have been able to get between 48 and 57 around town. On the highway it's been more like high 30's to low 40's
43 MPG on the interstate is more or less par. I find I make better time and much better girl economy on the surface streets anyhow. Nexus 4 ? 2
Picked up my C2 this morning and drove it the 55 mile commute to work, up/down hills from colorado springs to denver. 60mpg.