I purchased three OEM filters from the dealership. Part number on the box was 04152-YZZA6 or 04152-YZZA6-DS (I can't remember, pretty sure the latter). On this forum the OEM was most recommended and it ended up being fairly inexpensive. But when I came out from under the car and tried to slide the filter into the filter cap, it wouldn't fit. The hole in the paper filter did not seem wide enough. I visually compared it to the other two I had purchased and they looked identical. My wife had to drive to AutoZone and purchase a Bosch filter (twice the price) which slid on perfectly, with room to spare. The Bosch is what I had previously installed. I returned the filters to the dealership and they, of course, insisted it was the correct filter and I don't doubt them. I might be going crazy. Has anyone else run into this issue? Am I losing it?
The 04152-YZZA6 is the correct part number that I have used many times. The filter may be tight but it always slides right on. I have never had a problem with this OEM filter.
How many cartridges did you try? Perhaps that one you tried was manufactured incorrectly? Like JD, I have not had a problem. I have a case of those filters for both my Prius and Corolla.
I tried one filter and then just visually compared it to another and they appeared identical. (I didn't want to dirty another one.) As JD pointed out, it might have been a tight fit and maybe I just needed to apply more pressure when sliding it into the filter cap. But it sure seemed like it wasn't going to go on without damaging the filter. The Bosch filter, on the other hand, was loose with extra space around the hole when inserted. I'll try another OEM filter at my next oil change, prepared to troubleshoot if necessary. Thanks for the replies.
If it was indeed 04152-YZZA6-DS, then it was probably the wrong cartridge, hence the tight fit. As mentioned, 04152-YZZA6 is the correct part number.
Wow, thanks for the sanity check. Coincidentally, I ran across my receipt last night and confirmed it was 04152-YZZA6-DS. There's not a lot of information online about that exact part number, so I wasn't sure if there was a difference. Now I'll know to be aware next time I go to buy a batch at the dealership (and to avoid the dealership that was arrogantly adamant that it was the correct part).
Why not take the filter to another dealer and ask to compare to another one? May be the first dealer gave you the wrong one by mistake.
The part number for the housing is 15620-37010. I have an extra one in case the one on the car is damaged.
You didn't mention comparing the cartridge you had to the one you took off... "DS" may mean "dealer stock." One site, oemparts4cars.com, lists the DS part number as a 100-quantity part.
toyolover - The dealership took the all filters back (reluctantly) and gave me a refund. Rude person's - Thanks, I thought of that afterwards, that the housing might be damaged. But the Bosch filter slid right in. I'll have to remember to inspect it next time. pjksr02 - Interesting thought on the "DS" designation. If so, it should fit just like the non-DS filter, right? The cartridge that came off the car was a Bosch, another one of which I had to eventually use. And that fit just fine. I don't remember comparing the Bosch and OEM because by that time it was dark and cold and I just needed to get my car back together and off the ramps.
RBL: I know you already got the refund but I happened to have a brand new one in the box on hand now. The part number is 04152-YZZA6. (There is no DS at the end.) UPC code is 88608-00526. It comes in a red box with "Toyota Genuine Parts" marking on it. It also comes with an O-ring inside. I am not sure if the DS means "Dealer Stock" but I would recommend to get the one without the DS marking next time.
The DS just means that it is eligible for Toyota's "Drop-Ship" Program, when a dealer makes bulk orders of filters.