Edit (3/2/13): Problem identified. The timer was incorrectly and inadvertently set, so charging wouldn't start. See this post below. Three times in the past two weeks, my PiP has refused to take a charge. It happened twice on Chargepoint chargers. The second time, I plugged in and the charger displayed "Vehicle refused charge" or something similar. Tried 10 times with the same result. Then it charged fine at home, and on 240v the next day. This morning, it won't charge at home on 110. Plug in, the brick clicks, it draws about 200 ma for a couple of seconds, and then zero. Totally repeatable. No fault codes on Torque. The dealer had it earlier this week and couldn't make it happen or see any fault codes either. The first time it happened the charging cable was off the ground, so I suspected a bent pin, but they all look fine. Any ideas? Anyone seen anything similar?
Check anything else you may have on the line, if not a dedicated line. Check all ground faults may be setting the esve to stop any charging. If not that, We will have to wait for some one else to chime in!
the only thing i remember was leaving the drivers door open. maybe it was in ready, but i don't think so. don't go by me tho, i'm old, i'm confused.
Maybe the contacts in the port need a little cleaning with some electrical contact spray and a cotton swab. Just throwing that out there.
I have had this happen randomly on some ChargePoint chargers, but nothing on the provided charger yet.
Ive never had this happen on 110 at home. I've had this happen once with Chargepoint. I made sure the amber light was on before I left. The light was off when I got back. When I turned on the car it said I was disonnected early. I just assumed some joker unplugged me. I think once Chargepoint stops, it doesn't turn on again. I purchased a luggage lock for the handle and this hasn't happened again.
It didn't charge at home for two days. I thought I had a solid failure and made a service appointment for Monday. Then last night it charged at home, and today it charged on Chargepoint (one of the ones that failed last week) and at home. Grrrr. Next time I get a failure at home I'll try cleaning the contacts, but they look real shiny to me. It's not the circuit because it's happened at home and on two different Chargepoints.
At least one cause has been identified - the timer incorrectly set and preventing charging at the expected time. Last night around 8 pm I turned on the timer and plugged in. It was supposed to be set to finish charging at 7 am. What I did not notice was that the start time option was selected, and for some reason it was set to 7 pm. So of course it did not charge last night, and would not charge when I plugged it in several times today. Had it not been noticed, it would have cleared itself at 7 pm tonight whether plugged in or not. So that was the problem today, and might have been the problem each of the other times, although I'm still puzzled why it just started happening the other week. The takeaway: If your PiP won't charge, check to see if the timer is on (little green clock icon at the upper right of the display).
Never had this problem in my ten months of ownership. I've used lots of different ChargePoint chargers and a few Blink chargers.
Would of never found it!! Got the car back from service and plugged in the 240 cable. Charged for a few seconds and then quit. Same with the 120. So I felt that the service was the source of the problem. I decided to get out here and see if anyone else had the problem. The time indicator was it. All I had to do was to hit that clock thing button and now all is well.