Bought a 2013 Prius Three yesterday. Love it...except, kind of wishing I got the Four. Why? I really miss my heated seats with the last car...then I hear about the other additions that come with Four. I am kind of upset with dealer...and myself. I was insistent on the Nautical Blue...they didn't have the Four in the Blue. It was late. Also, so late and so tired...I bought an extended warrenty...7 years or 100,000 miles...for $2000 plus $189 tax. Good news is...I have 72 hours to exchange car AND I can cancel warrenty anytime. Thoughts on both would be appriciated!
Shoot, if you can exchange the car, great! They can probably do an exchange with another dealer if the one you want is available. Yes, drop the extended warranty. If you think you need it at the end of year 3 (<36K) you can buy for cheaper than that. Welcome aboard sleepy head.
Thanks...yeah, I knew I was getting ripped on the warrenty. But unfortunately for them, I will actually cancel it and wait for a better price and such... Still not sure about trading in for Four...debating whether the money is worth the perks.
good luck - hope the dealer won't give you the run around on exchanging the car - i assume there's a mileage clause.
If you already have regrets, then its probably best to exchange it. Otherwise you will run out of time and you will regret that you didnt go back and exchange it for a four. Believe me, I've been there. And yea, definitely cancel that extended warranty. You can always get it cheaper if you decide you need it, but I cancelled mine and dont expect to buy it anymore. I'm confident in its reliability.
I think you'll be plenty happy as is. Also, an extended warranty is not a bad idea, no matter the reputation. Anything can go wrong, check out some old threads on this and other forums and read about nightmare stories about premature failures right after warranty coverage. I know Tacoma can get chilly but the heater works well in the little Prius
If you can afford it, get the Four. The 8-way power seat makes a huge difference in comfort and convenience. As you already know, having them heated can also be quite nice, even when it's not cold. And don't settle for anything other than the color you want. There's lots of cars and lots of other dealers out there. As others have said, cancel the warranty. You can always buy it later, though I wouldn't, and for at least $800 to $1,000 less than you paid.
Welcome! I agree with Spiderman - and I think JMD did the same thing if I remember - he bought a Three and exchanged for a Four. Not sure what thread it was on. Someone should have a new 2012 Nautical Blue Four on a lot that needs a home... I wanted the Sea Glass Pearl Four with the darker interior and my dealership found one and had it shipped to RI from MA. Not a "big" distance for the car to go but I got the "baby" I wanted in the end. I have the Four and the extras are worth the comfort and the price if you can do it - over the long haul, I have to drive and enjoy the ride and after having other makes and models I was not happy with, this ride was going to be worth it. No regrets at all. I knew I wanted the solar moon roof and the heated Softex seats but the other bells and whistles were a plus. The driver's seat is perfect for my back... passengers commented on how it not only heats "under one's backside" but "on the upper half of the seat." Good luck and hope you get the "right fitting" Prius for you and your needs - better to be happy without regrets or be thinking, "why didn't I get the Four?"
Regrets, we all have more than a few. Best to get what you want. Weight and decide by tomorrow morning. Dealer will be resistant to change, hold them to that opportunity if you decide to switch. Once you decide, live with it. Extended warranty is a toss up. I opted for it at a reduced price and rolled it into my 60 month, zero percent financing. Still have options on it. Doubt I'll keep my new 2012 for five years. Depends what happens with the generation four.
Thank you! Finally got some sleep last night....I fought hard on the deal...mostly on the price of the trade in. They kept saying that because of the price they gave me on the trade-in, they couldn't order a car from another dealership. So it was either the Three or a fully loaded Five at almost $10k more. This is the first car I've had actual choice on and want to love AND adore it...thought about aftermarket seat heaters but.. Wish I had fought for Four before I signed so I'd have a bit more weight in the price debate. The 72 hours is an "exchange" period. I just checked, they don't have one in stock but a close dealership does. So, thanks to all the input. I'm bringing my book and am going to be willing to sit my butt down and fight it out. I battled them on every aspect of the deal, so at least they will not be happy to see me and maybe succumb to my reasonable wishes easily so I can move on with the day. I doubt it. My goals: 2013 Prius Four in Nautical Blue for $28K...told you I was reasonable. If they won't lower price of warranty to at least $1100-1200, cancel it. Also pissed at them because they keep insisting that the "optional" carpeted floormats are standard at $225 and the "negotiable" $150 doc fee is non-negotiable. I hate carpeted floormats, it's rainy here and I have chickens that I feed before I leave in morning. I pull them out and replace with rubber...why do I have to pay $225 for them to sit in my garage?
this is why i hate about some car dealers, they use every trick in the book - remember they are not your friends, plus going back and forth with their sales manager is another stall tactic etc...if it doesn't feel right, return it and walk away. it's amazing with the floor mat trick they play and disrespect they give a female too. rent a car etc for a week if you have to, to get what you want from another dealer, never compromise. good luck and let us know how it works out! reason why i love my BMW and Jeep dealer, it's all done via email and no bs.
If they give you a hard time about finding that Blue Four you want, get on line and do an inventory search yourself. You find the car and then tell your dealership where it is. They don't want to have to do any extra work and hope you'll accept their easy solution, a car you really don't want. We love our Four. Well worth it. Best of luck!
Best wishes to you and can't wait to hear how you like your new Four... I think it will be worth sitting down with a book and stick to your wants until they give you what you want. Plus, I would imagine a displeased or disappointed customer is not something a dealership wants in the open.... been there, experienced that and walked out when the general manager tried to insist he could sell the used Four Runner I was looking at in 1989 (that still had popcorn and debris under the seats) he could "sell at auction for over the blue book value" (which was our offer) and he laughed us out of his office. Three weeks later got a postcard that said, "Please call - we have 1987 Four Runner at (blue book) price." Too late - we had already bought something new. We got the last laugh.
Here now...waiting. I lost power because I already purchased the Three...they were pissed that I had called around to track down car. They were pissed that I felt they had lied to me. Still going in to deal with warranty. Didn't get deal I wanted...paying $28.5 and $100 for transfer from other dealership. I really lost a lost of negotiation weight...but I am getting the Prius Four in Nautical Blue.
i think you made the right decision. $600, isn't bad. dump the warranty, that will teach them. you can get it from a guy in mass if you want one. all the best. are you a professional negotiator?
If they will swap for a 4 do it, and make t easy on yourself, be a little flexable on color, the heated seats and homelink are worth it. (Wish I had purchased a 4 instead of my 2).