Just wondering how many of us have to top-off their oil between oil changes? I check my oil about every 1500 miles and I guess I'd top-off every 3000 miles. I've got to admit that though that it doesn't always really need it. I'll top off with as little as half a pint if it will fit in there. So I voted 3000 miles, even though I know I could go a lot further before I was in any real danger of actually running low.
With my Camry I would check it mid way between the oil changes. Never needed any. As it got older I would check it every 1K miles. I noticed as the car aged and had higher miles it would need a 1/4 of a quart about 4K before the 5K oil change. I'm not sure about the Prius yet. I read the manual, checked pictures, and looked to see where the dipstick is SUPPOSED to be located. Damned if I can see where the handle is. I see the tube but there is like this little yellow odd nubby cap thing with no handle. I'm taking it in this afternoon and evening for the windshield issue so I'll ask them about it then.
With 68K on the clock, I am not topping off at this time. However I do check the level every fillup. I note that between oil change of 5K with 5W30 Mobil 1 that the Prius is using a little more than a half quart. Dipstick reading after oil change with 3.5 quarts is just below top dimple. 5K later reading is usually about halfway between the two dimples or a little higher. If it starts to use more oil, I will probably add a little between changes (top off). Edit: I will also point out that the information above was right after I changed from Dino to Synthetic. It is possible that the Synthetic got used up cleaning up the engine I think. So far on this first 1K, I am seeing no drop in the oil level. Will know more as time goes by. End of Edit. Ron
....at 120k miles I do not see any decrease in oil levels. I only need 3 qts to fill. So usually fairly low on the dipstcik, so sometimes I will add some just to give some fresh additives. I am on Mobil-1 AFE 0W-30 for the winter.
I don't need to drive much these days, so 5000 miles/year and one change with penzoil ultra once per year is all I've ever needed since I got the Prius (a 2008) in the spring of 2010. I fill to slightly below the "full" mark when changing as to not overfill. I don't see any oil level drop at all (45,000 miles).
I cannot vote, no place for me on the poling card. I do check the oil every time I fill with fuel but the level does not seem to go down on the stick. This is using 0w20 oil changed at 10,000 mile interval. 90,000 miles now on the clock. I must be using more oil wiping the dipstick than the engine does. John (Britprius)
LOL sorry John. The "what's a dipstick" comment was only meant as a joke. I understand that most people who never need to top off will still check the dipstick anyway. Please vote "never".
My 88 Camry has 275,000 miles and never had to top it off, 4 quarts in 4 quarts out every 5,000 miles.
I change my oil at 10,000 mile intervals plus filter. Only use synthetic oil. Does not use a drop. 105,000 miles. My only problem is making sure Toyota dealer does not over-fill oil which can cause many problems.
i haven't had to top up between changes since the eighties. and the last 6 toyota's don't drop at all.
I just topped off at 3800 miles on my current oil change (a bit longer than the "nearest" 3000 I voted in the poll.) It took a whopping half a pint! (240 mL). I'm sure I could wait a bit longer before topping off, maybe it's an OCD or something.
Considering the lower mark 0/4, and the upper mark 4/4, I aim for 3/4 when doing an oil change. Then will let oil drop 'till it's at 1/4 before adding oil to bring it back to 3/4. That said, with our current Prius it doesn't seem to be consuming any oil between changes, so far anyway. Just a comment on "topping up": there's nothing special about the top mark, it's actually at one extreme of the recommended oil level. If you're not consuming any oil, mid-way between the marks would be optimum, imho. And if you are consuming some, then lean towards the top mark somewhat, to give yourself some time before you need to add more.
Yeah that's pretty much what I do. Since I use a small amount of oil I like to start out fairly close to the full mark. I started this oil change at about 3mm (1/8") below the top mark, and today at 5800 km (about 3700 miles) it was about 10 to 12 mm down. It only took about 1/2 a pint to refill. Honestly I could go a lot longer without topping off, but I figure if I'm there checking the level then I may as well top off since the oil only a few feet away. Thanks Chis, at last we've got a burner on the poll. Still not bad considering you must be at about 330,000 miles by now. Definitely just keep feeding her.
I fill to about halfway up the dipstick, and it's around low by 3k-4k miles, so I add another half quart. When I was the only one driving I could make it 5k miles and not need to add, but now that my fiance is driving it, oil consumption increased substantially. The car is approaching 160k miles, so it's not bad IMO, although higher than most because the engine revs so much/so fast, or maybe because of the PCV system.
I know a lot of people here at PC do it like that, but I've never really understood the logic behind "rationing" something so vital to the engine like that. Why not just fill to near the top mark in the first place, and then by the time you need to add half a quart you wont any where near the danger level of being at the bottom mark of the stick. I know that anything above the bottom mark is acceptable, but my philosophy is that the more oil I've got in there then the more diluted are the contaminants, the more active (add pack) ingredients are in there, and the less stress is on the oil. Then of course is the added safety margin with more oil, if for example there is some sudden unexpected consumption for some reason. I understand that people are wary of over-filling, but 1/8" to 1/4" under the top dimple is plenty conservative enough for me. We don't get those naff Castrol ads here. Think with your dipstick - LOL.
I used to fill it all the way, but IME we go through it faster if I do that now that my fiancee puts most of the miles on the car. The consumption being related to the amount put in is why I've suspected that oil consumption in my car is related to either due to the top end or the PCV system. One of these days I may find out. Course, it could be some weird luck, so you're probably right that if you're thinking I should try to verify this again this oil change.