Long story short. . .we bought our 2002 Prius and drove it regularly for seven years, and then our lives changed and we did much less driving. The Prius, now a 2nd car, sat most of the time. Our dealer told us that all that sitting had ruined the hybrid system's batteries - they will no longer hold a charge - a repair that cost thousands of dollars we didn't have. We had a lot of stuff going on in our personal and work lives, and just let the car sit. . .for about two years. There's grass growing underneath it now, that's how long it's sat there. We wouldn't sell this car to anyone - God only knows what else has deteriorated in the meantime. We just want to dispose of this car in a responsible manner. What would you do if you were us?
There are folks who hang here who like the challenge of rebuilding auction, NHW11s: Where is it located? Use Ebay to put a fair-market price on it and share with your location. Bob Wilson ps. I'm not interested.
Donate it to a local charity. You can take the tax deduction for the book value. Hold on to the receipt.
Personally I would try to sell it and be up front about the problem. If it didn't sell, I'd go with the donate/junkyard ideas.
My father donated a old car to the local high school vocational program. You have to call them and see if they want it.
We've thought about the charity/junkyard route - but we weren't sure if the people who run those programs would be up for the challenge to properly dispose of a dead hybrid battery. . . we really just want to get rid of it in the least time-consuming way possible - money isn't an issue.
Toyota pays shipping from anywhere in the world back to Toyota. They recycle the precious materials. It is in the owners Manuel. The dealer may be able to do it for you. Than junk what is left. Toyota Launches Hybrid Battery Recycling Program - Earth911.com Toyota Hybrid Battery Recycling Program – | Auto Cars
It helps a lot to know that. We'll call our dealer this week to see what ideas they have. We live in the Pacific Northwest with a high concentration of hybrids so hopefully we can find a place that can just take care of it for us from start to finish. After all, they must do something with the ones that get totaled in accidents.
If it is just the traction battery, 3d party replacements run just under $2,000 and labor is about 4-6 hours. But in terms of proper disposal, the modules are relatively benign compared to lead-acid batteries. Removed from the case, they can be dropped off at a Batteries Plus store. The traction battery case and controller has value for traction battery rebuilders. You might also call the independent, hybrid repair shops: Hybrid Shop Finder | Auto Career Development Center 1-800-939-7909 (best to call) I suspect if the cost is 'come pick it up,' they might want it either as a rebuild, project or parts. Bob Wilson
are you kidding? put an ad on craigslist saying free Prius, and it will be gone before the day is over. I'd come get it if it was close to sacramento.
We ended up donating the car to St Vincent de Paul's vehicle donation program. They have seen this kind of thing before, and said that their agents would know what to do
Perfect. Don't forget to hold on to the receipt and let your accountant know the complete story when you do your 2013 tax returns in 2014. You'll get a nice deduction for that and the Charity gets a nice benfit as well.
Interesting. I went to St. Vincent's website and asked where the cars 'go', do they have car lots . I was told they go to copart.com . Hope its okay to relay the 'chat' I had with Irina. So if anyone in above Pacific NW is interested in this car, there still may be a chance for you. Irina: We sell the donated cars through a vendor Irina: You can locate a yard near by through their website: copart.com
St. Vincent de Paul in San Diego is a good outfit. Father Joe is well known in the community. Not many people have the compassion of Father Joe and his benefactors. St. Vincent de Paul Village :: Saving Lives, Inspiring Lives and Changing Lives
ill take it off your hands and pay the freight to get it shipped to me. i live in pa. how many miles on it. and could i get a couple pictures of it. depending on condition, ill give you something for it.