I have a Samsung S II GT-I9100 international open smartphone. Originally came with Gingerbread, and only basic Bluetooth worked with the phone but the car would not upload address books from the phone (argggh!). Last Summer I upgraded to Ice Cream Sandwich - the address books and contact logs started to transfer right away. Text messages stayed grayed out on the HD. I just upgraded to Samsungs' official Jelly Bean (Spanish version - one of the 1st country release versions out - has support for all major languages). Now, everything works like a charm. Text messages are visible on the HD and get read out loud over the car's loudspeakers as they come in, and you can use the pre-programmed response choices with one push etc. Those with Samsung smart phones can find this official JB version on SAMMOBILE's webpage. Oh BTW - Samsung's official JB release is a nice stable version too, faster and better than ICS.
OK, an update after three days' use.. IF the Jelly Bean phone has its Bluetooth ON before you approach the car, then everything works as above. IF the phone or its Bluetooth gets turned on AFTER the car is running, then the text messages stay grayed out and new incoming ones stay invisible and do not get read out loud by the HD Yenta. So, sequencing matters - 1st the phone, then the car.
Did I read that correctly? It will speak your txt messages through your audio system? How did you set it up to do that? I use an iPhone 5 and curious if will do the same. Is there a setting you need to change to enable text to speech?
You have to turn on "Show Notifications" in the Bluetooth settings for the car (CAR MULTIMEDIA) for SMS/iMessages to get pushed to the car. After you turn it on you'll have to cycle the Bluetooth connection as it doesn't start working until the next Bluetooth connection with the car is made.
Thanks MBRGuru! I finally found that setting, it was on the phone and not in the car, which is where I kept looking initially!