My car arrived today! I used DAS. It was two days ahead of schedule. Car was not damaged but was dirty as heck, understandable considering it was shipped cross country. Here it is after I washed it.
Thanks for all your help and direction, I am a proud owner of PIP now. I want to drive to CHP office tomorrow to get VIN verified, is there anything else I need to do ?
Who's handling the registration? Sorry if you mentioned this already earlier. I did the registration myself, so I didn't go to CHP, I went to my local DMV office where they both inspected the car and then immediately gave me my plates.
My Dealer is asking for VIN verification. Googled about vin verification and found CHP will do that. What papers do you need to take to DMV office, I would like to do that.
Actually, I believe dealer is handling. They are in NJ. I am still trying to connect dots .............
Lensovet, I am back from CHP office, they gave me appointment on Feb 26th. I would like to finish it ASAP. Please let me know on how to get this DMV thing done by myself. Thanks, D
For me, I just took the form to the regular DMV and had them fill it out. At my local CA DMV, you dont even need to wait in line. Just drive your car to the inspection/driving test line and they handle it there pretty fast. Then mail the form back to the dealership so they can give it to their 3rd party company who handles out-of-state registrations.
Thank you for you the helpful info. Are you talking about this form ? I just called the DMV and they mentioned to take the appointment and get it done. My appointment is scheduled on Feb 21st.
Yes, that is the form. Even though I printed the form out, the DMV employee already had a lot on his clipboard, so my printout wasn't needed. It seems like its a trivial and normal task for them. I think the appointment is only neccessary if you will be completing the registration yourself like Lensovet did (because in this case, you would need to go back in to handle more paperwork/payments with the DMV inside). Just curious, where in CA are you?
Isnt the dealer suppose to register the car for you through before they ship the vehicle? I was assuming that the registeration fee that I paid (about $350) was to take care of the CA - DMV paperwork.
Yes, they removed it and sent the new document to sign. But they have increased the NJ supplemental Titling Fee to $340.
AAA will only do it if it's a private sale. They will do not it if the vehicle is purchased new from a dealership.
There's a tire tax in NJ, but it's $1.50 per tire. If you don't catch it, the dealer charges for the non-existent spare, too.
wonder how long will this 0% + 4000 rebate will go in NE now that they are running them for 2013 models.
The advice JMT has given you is correct it really depends on the dealer. in my case - the car was assigned temporary Oregon plates, the dealer sent the registration paperwork to my local DMV office, and then i had to come in person, do the inspection, and finish the registration process on the spot. dealer took about a month to submit the paperwork lol.