During the last week, or slightly less I suddenly started hearing the brake boost pump running much more frequently than normal in my 2008 and is also producing a "knocking" noise along with its run noise which increases in frequency as the pump speed increases. No problems with the engine coolant pump for the thermos, and the inverter pump was replaced yesterday along with a replaced "bolt" in the steering column for the recall. I had the dealership (Toyata West in Columbus, Oh.) check the boost pump while it was there (by the way no error codes (yet) on my scangauge or the dealers scanner. Just the increased noise and run time. No fluid leaks noted. Pump current while on is approx. .8 amps (via the scangauge). With the car parked and the ICE off, the pump still continues to run intermittently and for quite a bit more than the 5 seconds or so it did prior to this, perhaps 15-20 seconds +. Still runs quite a few times after the car is turned fully off too. I have quite a bit of suspicion that the Service Department yesterday was playing a bit of "hear no evil, see no evil"... because no outright failure has happened, and they know that its an expensive part and a chore to get to and replace AND I still have the extended warranty. 45,000 now on the odo. Thoughts anyone? I think I'll run a similar note up to Toyota Corporate and see if I can get a response.
Still researching. Narrowed to my best S.W.A.G. as the accumulator or related component internal leakage. Had the resident "prius guy" at a nearby dealership lend his ear for a few minutes, who then announced that he was sure it was normal... just like the 08' they had a couple of bays down. From the look of the accumulated leaves, dust/dirt under the bonnet, the owner of that one would have considered this area "The Unknown Country" and considered any unusual noise as "normal" short of having a complete failure of the engine mounts and scraping the engine assy. along the tarmac.
If you don't see any brake or skid control warning lights, then no DTC will have been logged by the skid control ECU. If there are no DTC (like C1256, Accumulator Low Pressure) then nothing is going to be done to your car under warranty. However, if you are right and the system is deteriorating, then eventually it should get bad enough to trigger a DTC which will turn the warning lights on.
Thanks Patrick I suspect that is the case, and in the case of the dealership I had do the two recalls for inverter pump and steering column, I also suspect that the tech (if he was worth his salt) also knew this but as you say wasn't required to do anything until a warning code appears. I did manage to find a reference online to DTC C1391/69 (abnormal leak of ACC Press.) and how to read out that pressure sensor value (apparently an analog voltage) with the "Hand Held Tester" and monitor that reading for either a steady reading or a decreasing value which indicates a leak (and replacement of the Brake Actuator Assy.). I'm going to check around and see if I can find a service dept. willing to perform that test and even if they can't replace it before an error is flagged, I want that attached to the vehicles "history" so that I can point it out if they balk at a warranty replacement later...
When my brake boost pump started running more frequently , I was informed here to bleed the brakes , there may be air in the lines (which also may explain the noise you are hearing). Something else to consider suggesting for the dealership. For what its worth in my case it was helpful , I was able to bleed the lines and run the car for another ? 20 k on a mail route before replacing the brake accumulator (pump) , so in my case it was helpful for a while. I also changed it before it went totally out, hearing it run at the end every 30 seconds just wore on my nerves.