I don't understand why toyota made the cord between the power brick and the wall so short! What was their reasoning behind that? Anyway, I'm thinking of using a short (6 feet or less) extension cord so that I can plug into the wall at work without hanging the entire brick from the outlet. Any recommendations for a particular model/brand?
There were some posts on this when the PIP first came out. Get a heavy gauge cord. I got a 50 foot cord from Amazon that I have used without issue. Amazon.com: Coleman Cable 02308 16/3 Vinyl Outdoor Extension Cord, Orange, 50-Feet: Home Improvement
I just use a piece of wire from a metal hanger and hook it through the small hole and hang it off an area near the outlet at work. Works fine.
Shortest extension cord with a low enough gauge I've been able to find is about 15-feet. Any recs on something between 6-10 feet?
I recommend and have a 2 foot 12 awg extension cord http://www.acehardware.com/product/index.jsp?productId=1297902&cp=2568443.2568454.2632223.4355323.1259213
Home Depot has a 6 ft. Gray 16/3 SPT-3 Appliance Cord that has 13 amp max for under $8 and they have a 9 ft. 12/3 3-Wire Appliance Cord that has 20 amp max for under $16. Either one works, both have right-hand connector that works great with the outlet, but the 9 ft is better.
i use a 12' 16 gauge cord at work. it gets a little warm at the plug end, but has worked fine for the last couple months. i wouldn't worry about it.
9 ft. 12/3 3-Wire Appliance Cord-YC-2A1/YC-2F4 at The Home Depot that's the one you're talking about, right?
Any heavy gauge (12/3 or 10/3) appliance extension cord will do the job. Also to mention, make sure these cables have hefty connectors.