Toyota PIP recommends a Leviton Charging station on the PIP web site. Did anyone know the ball park cost to install? Good or bad experience? Advantages or Disadvantages? Can it be used in the future if I migrate aay from a PIP?
they are not cheap. do you like to solder pc boards? you can make your own for under $500. and it can be used for larger batteries down the road.
I wasen't sure what the value add is versus a regulat 220 V outlet. I guess it has some led readout with info on charging and charged on the wall mount and maybe a longer cord.
you need a 240v outlet just to get started. you cant plug the car into that with the evse (connection cord) that comes with it tho. you have 3 options, the leviton (or equivalent) at $1,000.+, the open evse i mentioned at under $500. (you have to build it and then you still have your original for portable charging or the evse upgrade, under $300. where you send in your current evse and they upgrade it to 120/240v. then, you can use your 240v outlet.
Re: the bolded part, you'd send it to EVSE Upgrade - Products. It's run by pEEf (aka Ingineer on MyNissanLeaf). If you just plug the stock 120 volt L1 EVSE into a 240 volt outlet (like via an adapter), it won't work and it will be damaged. At a meeting that pEEf, I and 100+ Leafers were at, Nissan mentioned that they've received a bunch of damaged L1 EVSEs due to people trying to plug them into to 240 volt outlets via adapters.
that's odd, i wonder why someone would do that? i don't think it's happened here. how long does it take to charge a leaf on 120v?
Yeah, the PiP charges quickly enough at 120 volts due to its small battery capacity. Nissan offcially says 21 hours to fully charge from empty to full at 110/120 volts. I guess some people think "oh! The car can take 240 volts thru J1772, so let's try running that into the EVSE." Whoops! Charging efficiency is also better on the Leaf at 240 volts (see My Nissan Leaf Forum • View topic - "typical" Miles/KWh figures for a couple scenarios?).
i once wired my tablesaw for 240v, but didn't have the correct outlet so just used a regular 120 outlet and plug on the tablesaw. so, my wife went to plug her t.v. in and 'whoops'. lesson learned.
i'm confused, don't these outlets take different plugs? how can you "accidentally" shove a 110V plug into a 220 outlet?
right. the tablesaw comes set at 120v and standard plug. you can switch a wire in the motor to make it 240v, but your supposed to relace the plug. i didn't have a 240v plug ot outlet or money to buy them, so i used the 120v plug and outlet never thinking my wife would plug anything into it. young, foolish, broke, but happy!
I understand your original post is right at two months old. Most, almost all Level 2 chargers are the standard for most EV vehicles on the market. Price is the biggest consideration. I ordered a Levitron 16a Level 2 charger from two days ago for $749. One of the cheapest available. They also sell a Levitron Level 1 charger for $649? I installed it today. I know a little about electrical work. I figured I'd have to run a dedicated new 240w line in my garage. I stopped by Lowe's last night and picked up what I thought I'd need for parts. After taking the panel off the circuit breaker box, located in the garage, I was stumped. I figured the electrical wiring ran up the wall into the attic. The wires entered the box from the bottom. No way I could run the new line, professionally. I knew I needed 12-2 gauge wire for a 240v circuit, I noticed several lines with yellow insulation. One was in the garage "marked freezer". It was a unused circuit, with the correct wiring. All I had to do was removed it from the 120v 20 amp circuit breaker and install a double pole 240v, 20amp circuit breaker and change the receptacle to a L6-20a 240v to match the Levitron plug. The Levitron I got was rated at 16 amps. I was pleasantly surprised, and it couldn't have been easier. Luck? I'll take all I can get. My charger arrived several hours later. Took about thirty minutes to install and plug in. Took most of the excess stuff I purchased back to Lowes. Drove 95% in EV mode, arrived home with zero left. Hooked the Prius to the charger. Monitored the charging process using the Entune app on my iPhone5. Almost ninety minutes later, "charging complete". Great day off from work, mild weather, I'm feeling good about my productive day. I'm sending my factory charge cable off to EVSE Upgrade tomorrow for conversion to Level 2, 240v use at work.
One of the guys at work told me that according to code you have to wrap the end of the white wire with red tape (at both ends) when using 2-wire black and white cable for a 240v circuit. Makes sense- if someone other than you works on that 240v outlet- they may assume the white is neutral. At least with the red tape on the end- it will make them consider it's not neutral. Congrats on your 240v setup- charging in 1.5hrs at home is awesome!