My carmax trade in value offer was 19,000, which 2 Houston Toyota dealers matched only after being told of the carmax offer. On the Houston area craigslist, someone has a nice looking red IV for sale at $20,000 (recent), and someone else has a nice looking white V for sale at $24,000 (for about a month). On the Austin area craigslist, an Austin dealer appears to have sold my exact car at somewhere around $25,000. If dealer pricing is generally 4 to 5K more than trade-in, then I guess 23 to 24K is a reasonable retail price and private party sale should be somewhere between $21,000 to $22,500. However, the and private party pricing is lower, and the dealer told me loan value is only around $15,000. As 1 dealer said, if people know the car well, they'll recognize the value of the tech and jump on the low price, but I think that is not the average used car buyer. On the other hand, one of the dealers was quite forthcoming in saying that the Prius is selling really well in Houston, and that they don't get many used Vs in to sell. I put up a for sale sign here on Priuschat last night at $21,000 and have had zero response. I'm not really surprised, since I've never noticed cars selling well through Priuschat. I guess most people who come here already have their car. I'll probably try listing on craigslist at 22,500 or 23,000, after I get my replacement lien release from Toyota, which I somehow lost and failed to get filed of record. My pricing has to take into account that I only have one keyfob, since my wife gave one to a valet and it was never seen again! My dealer part cost is $235, and programing cost is $112. As a sidenote, when the general sales manager at 1 dealer was told why I was selling, he came running in to talk to me about the PIP, and how much they really want to be able to sell it here in Texas. Apparently they had it at the Houston Auto show last month.
Obviously you need to have patience if you want the price you want. I had my Prius up for nearly two months before I sold it for that price. This was easy to do because I had taken it off insurance and the loan had been paid off. Another thing to keep in mind is that as with any bargain, you need to set the price a bit high with the expectation that buyers who are actually interested will be providing a lower offer in an attempt to bargain out a discount. In my case, the initial price listed was $6500 but the actual sale price was $6000 because I discovered that the water pump was slowly leaking.
I don't consider myself extremely patient either, but when your impatience costs you thousands of dollars, it's easier to keep it at bay
Finally, I pulled the PLUG . I bought the PIP Advanced and it is in shipping. Toyota of Turnersville ... Blue color It will be at my front door tomorrow. Monthly payment $584 ( including taxes and everything) for 60 months. Shipping $1200. Dealer called to get the Vin Verification, I live in santa clara,CA. How to initiate this process. Can somebody from California help me to navigate in this next process after the car is in my front door. Thanks a lot to everybody in here helped me in steering towards East Coast to buy PIP.
Auto star transport. Direct auto quoted me $1300 So I went with auto start for 1175 + 50 ( very unprofessional company) They asked me $50 more after everything is signed. the reason they mentioned is, carrier is asking $50 more and are waiting to pick the car. Thanks to
Surprisingly, they also picked up the car by that time. I really want to fight for $50, My priority was my PIP baby, really dont want to mess up anything for $50. I am going to write this in my review for Auto Transport.
It is around 35,200 including tax ( I have to double check my papers), I do not remember exactly. I remember only my monthly payment $584 , that is what I pay every month. zero down,TFS.
Cant wait more, they said it will arrive tomorrow. I have Camry and Tacoma and never felt this excited. It is like Cow waiting for calf
Although my wife has said she relents on her choice of color and the dealer of the 2012 PIP told my wife they are still giving the rebate as of Wed . this week, ( beyond the Feb.4th deadline) "we" have decided NOT to buy the PIP. At this point I am sorely disappointed in this choice but I will do my best to get over it. She will try to get the 2010 Blizzard PriusIV from Boston and be done with it. Thank you again for your thoughtful feedback and support. Mr Q.
Friends, This is how I got cheated by Auto transport , very sad. They picked the car on Jan29th and said it will be delivered Today. I called them on Tuesday to track the truck, they mentioned the truck was in Salt lake city. And it will be delivered today, yesterday they mentioned truck arrived and driver is arranging to deliver it today. But today,Driver calls me now and said it is in Illinois and will deliver the Car on Monday. They gave me wrong information about the whereabouts of the truck. Truck drivers reason: He was sick. I am totally confused and worried about my car now. Please advise.
total price -- 37899 state sales tax 3208.63 NJ tire fee 246 NJ title fee 90 online fee 7.25 registration 8.75 documentary 299 rebate -6500 ------------------------------------- total 35258 --------------------- 35258-3208 = 32050 - (246+90+7.25+8.75+299) = 31399 After taxes it is 31399 and after adding the misc it is 32050.
I ran some numbers today to see how much I saved by not buying last year. Even factoring in higher shipping costs, I still saved at least $9,000 in up front costs. Now add at least $3,600 for the 0% interest (add a few hundred more if you want to assume a 4% investment return on the amount you are not paying for interest). Way cool. On top of those savings, (i) I still get to take the $2,500 tax credit, (ii) I will be using the cash from selling the old car to pay off another loan, and (iii) I'll be saving on gas (not a lot, since I only drive about 7,500 miles a year these days). I would pat myself on the back if it weren't for the fact that I really did not need a new car! However, the depreciation hit I'll take is offset by the fact I did have use of the old car during the 2.8 years I had it. Of course, I may not be so happy if the resale on the PIP tanks in 2015 (when new models and better pips arrive). But really, how bad could it be?