Has anyone used remotesupermarket as their source for a Prius II (2006 in my case) key fob & key? Toyota Prius Smart Key Keyless Entry Key Remote Uncut | eBay Their price seems low ... Thanks!
The price actually sounds a bit on the high side for a used key. A used keyfob requires a seed reset using Techstream or similar locksmith tool. Best price I've seen for that is $100 at Luscious Garage in San Francisco. As for the mechanical key, most hardware stores can cut a standard size duplicate for $2 or so.
I was confusing the price with the new ones at $119. - $149. online. If I understand correctly there are counters both in the car and the key that impact the ease of programming - if either is too high the process becomes complex. I thought the "seed reset" was only necessary if the car was over-max of the number of keys assigned to it. Where would you get a key (or keys, we'd like two, but the cost escalates quickly)? We have one smart key but don't care if the others are so long as the remote door lock functions work.
there are many threads here which you can and should read to educate yourself. this is not a simple inexpensive process. the only thing more difficult and expensive than replacing a key when you stil have one, is replacing a key when you have none. all the best!
Part of the problem is that I have read the threads and they point in as many different directions as the Scarecrow in Oz! Sure would be nice to read a short list of current sources for proven-good used, and for new, key fobs. As for programming I have seen three methods: Dealer, magical door-open-close, and a special cable & software. I have also read many different experiences with these as well as many different costs. The local Dealer says $39. to program a key - that they provide - I need to ask if they will even consider programming one that I provide. I've found no local locksmith who does this. To summarize - it is not simple - unless one either pays several hundred dollars to a Dealer or buys a new fob online (with a good return policy) & has a cooperative local Dealer.
Just received my used key fob & new blank from REMOTEZ4LESS. Is it correct that the door-open-close-etc or other self-programming methods cannot work with these?
Bisco has pretty much pointed out everything you need to know. IMO, your best option would be for the dealer to supply you with a new keyfob and have them do the programming for you. If you are unwilling to do that, then you are on your own trying to make a new or used fob work with the "chicken dance" method. When I went down the road you are on, I chose to pay the dealer. In the end I had two working keyfobs and NO problems. SKS and everything else worked. Yes, it was costly, but IMO it was worth the money spent. YMMV Ron
The local dealer quoted over $300. to get this done - that is obscene & ridiculous. I will ask over on the "chicken dance" thread if anyone has used a key from this source. If no-go then the Dealer had said $39. to program a key (but I expect they will try to invent an excuse to demand more since it's not their key). Sigh. I have plans to be in Charlotte, NC, Houston, TX, Atlanta, GA, & Dayton, OH this Spring, perhaps someone will know a more cooperative Dealer or Independent Garage in one of those cities.
Local non-Dealer wanted $125. to program fob & cut key. Dealer programmed fob for $39.95 (only plug-in even though it's silver wireless & no remote door locks). Local locksmith shop cut key for $2. I may try the "chicken dance" program some day but for now I have a spare set to lock/unlock & run my Prius. Thanks to all for the help.