Good thoughts and prayers headed your way. God, in answer to prayer, sent me my wife, different race, perfectionist, petite, dark hair the exact opposite of everything I like and we've been breaking up for 28 years. Still love her like crazy without her there is no life and the only time I'd even consider "giving up." Your story is just now being written and I await the telling someday. I wish you twice the luck and joy I have experienced but that's going to be a tough one.
A Unitarian here, by my right hand are our sacraments, home-roasted Kona espresso and a cookie. But a little history is in order. Today's Unitarian Universalist Church (UU) is the merger of the Unitarians and the Universalists which means each congregation varies in the degree between each. The Unitarians, like me, believe in one God and see the trinity as heresy because it diminished the importance of Jesus' teachings as the way we must live. The Universalists believe God's love and forgiveness is so encompassing that even the most despicable souls will not face an eternity in Hell ... singed but not eternal ... and keep forgiving the Universalists for their anti-trinity heresy. But like my 35 year old marriage, completely incomprehensible to outside observers, we're happy. I grew up in the Bible Belt and sampled a wide range of doctrines ... almost impossible because each church uses its kids as missionaries. Raised Disciples of Christ, I attended an Episcopal private school, five days a week for two years. Baptized at 12, I sang in the choir until puberty. Thanks to Mark Twain, "Letters from the Earth," I finally began to realize the religion paradox but that was before I became a Unitarian. One day in college, I found the local Unitarian congregation and found 'the spirit' in song. Unexpected, I did not have to fight an over powering desire to sleep during the sermon. Now this does not happen with every service and every congregation. But it happens enough that I am a Unitarian (sips espresso.) So let me 'sample' Unitarian congregations. New England was the home of both Unitarian and Universalist congregations. Understand UUs are far from perfect but we are pretty good about separating fraud from fact. South of the Mason Dixon Line, we tend to have a lot of theological, 'walking wounded' from our Bible Belt brethren. I wouldn't consider it a dating service as much as place to connect with the Sprit and participate in a sincere search for enlightenment. In the meanwhile, enjoy your night out! Bob Wilson
The next line is... Then he will be a mile away and barefoot so there will be no risk in judging him.
Great, some common ground. Would you agree that what we know about God and what he wants for us is entirely conveyed in the Bible? Do you believe that though it was written by man that it is completely inspired by God... it is his words to us?
Essentially yes however like Paul I have to look to nature via His creation also. It reveals a lot about Him, IMHO.
Hence my blended path. For me the Bible has good messages but there are a lot of changes in this world and humans can't dictate to me what God's plan is. Only He knows. I only know in prayer I can hear Him saying, "Patience, child. You have to work on being patient..." Plus you never see protests outside Red Lobster by folks who read the Good Book by the letter... After all, one passage says eating shellfish is an "obomination." (Spelling might be off... The citidiots on my floor are living the mantra "the city never sleeps..." and I have had about two hours of sleep.) I started reading A Course In Miracles which made more sense in following my God path. Hearing someone tell me I am going to Hell for one reason or another makes me ask, "how do YOU know that?" Raised Catholic, went to Catholic school, had a priest grab me from behind and squeeze my waist like a peer would. (Scared the living **** out of me... I was a senior at the time. Yikes!!!!) Married in the Episcopal church... Now divorced and riding my own spiritual path a la Richard Bach in "Illusions." Back to NYC/Brooklyn... Great sushi dinner last night... Headed to more culinary delights like good coffee and actually saw Prius taxis here... Someone is breeding Prii out here and setting them free like it was their mission... fun to see them in every shade...
Personally and I hope I do not offend anyone but it was first written eons ago and there have been many versions since. I would like to believe it is the word of God but that He gave us free will to do good works, and the ability to recognize if we have wronged someone and He forgives like an all knowing parent would. Different faiths have their own books as well. I give thanks often, try to do a "pay it forward" when I can (that is fun to watch the chain reaction go on)... be helpful, kind and smile and laugh a lot. He also gave us creation, which to me is more sacred than any building and the doors there do not discriminate. Just my humble opinion.
So maybe the guy got cold feet. It happens when you meet a great person. No one is perfect. If he tried to reconnect with you maybe he is worth a second chance.
Too many warning flags were going up ending with the texting sequence... All like bad diagnostic codes spitting out of a car. IMHO, this one blew a head gasket and I do not have the skillsets nor is it my job to tackle something like this. He has a kind soul but not right for me. Time for the next train... . I think I hear one on the tracks now.
Which Bible(s)? There are so many versions out there for the human race. I'm not saying just Christians, but all religions / beliefs throughout the world. I respect all of those different versions of Bibles that teaches good will, peace, and kindness for oneself, family, community, and complete strangers. IMHO, there is not one Bible that has a complete lock on the human race. Me?, I would have a cold beer with God and enjoy life that I am living. DBCassidy
When I met her, my wife had reversed the first two. As for the detritus from her first marriage, it took ten years to expunge her divorce demons. The battered women and children shelter director spoke at our Unitarian service about their need for escorts for clients to various legal proceeding. I told my paralegal wife and she worked there for over a year. I was afraid and initially some of the demons became a little fierce but only for a couple of weeks. The insights gained from being one step removed from the clients soon chased out the demons that had given her vivid, waking-from-sleep, nightmares every night for our first ten years. But the client who insisted on carry of a handgun to court ended my wife's service . . . one more NRA victory. Drove my wife's Prius over the Tennessee River as the contact lense of sunset gave up to nights darkness. Picked up falling-off-the-bone smoked ribs and chicken along with red potatoes cooked in crab boil. On the drive, I figured out a better protocol for my E85 testing (three 1 gal spare cans, one with E85 and the others with E10 for when my Prius runs out of gas next week.) Bob Wilson
No problem offending me, I am secure in my faith. I do appreciate your candor and willingness to discuss this topic on the web. There is only one Holy Bible, there are many translations because there are many languages and dialects, etc within those languages, but the Word remains and will till the end of time as God promises. It might be marginalized but it will remain and has for thousands of years and it has never been proven wrong. There are some that say there are contradictions but at least in two of those I have found no validity (previous Bible studies with two members here). So, you are saying that we can pick and choose what we want to out of the Bible and forget the rest? I would see that an synonymous with a nuclear plant operator choosing what steps (in a manual) he wanted and ignoring the rest. That would be disastrous, would it not? Of course Bob will likely pick that apart as he probably could run a plant without a manual. So what does the Bible say about itself? (2 Timothy 3:16): emphasis added Unless we are redeemed (Isaiah 64:6): I applaud your good works, but in the spiritual sense they mean nothing unless we are adopted into God's family. How does adoption happen? (John 3:16): "world" meaning you, me, anyone. and (John 14:6): When we decided to pick and choose what we believe (Matthew 7:13-14): Finally (John 8:32): After growing up a Presbyterian and only after the age 38, I finally "got it". I hope this helps, I only want the best for you.
I tend not to take religion to extreme. I believe in God and follow the 15 oops I mean 10 commandments.
Feel free to substitute Catholic for Baptist, Methodist, Pentecostal etc. in the quote above.... but my observation is some adherents of any church tend to be bad poster boys all too often. When religion was overdone as a topic at PC, I saw lots of bandwidth to believers starting wars, clergymen messing around with women and children....I assert THEY are bad, not the religion. I doubt many will say the shootings at Newtown, Conn was not evil...I believe God definitely considers that evil. I keep it to myself what else he considers evil, in part because I will not pretend to know the mind of God, and also because it's not my place to pass judgement on others. I'll just make an honest effort to live a good life as Jesus suggested at the Bible church I attend. I am about to meet someone to watch the Super Bowl - our beliefs are not exactly the same. Probably will point out that God really does not care who wins. OceanEyes, if this guy broke up by texting - he's less of a man than I am! Seriously, you messages like that need to be at least over the phone and preferably in person - he was not much of a person to text it.
Which is more dangerous: religion or porn? Lets' remember all countries that went to war over porn............ DBCassidy
Back to the topic. A lonely gal is searching for her special someone and will need to "kiss many frogs" before finding her next prince. Don't give up. You'll find him or he'll find you.