Hi all. hoping some one can help me here. you know how you press the "display" button to access the different menus on the screen. I can get to the "setting's" menu but when I press and hold the display button to gain access to that menu it just switches me to the following menu. I can't even adjust the clock. Also, sometimes the first few line items on the "settings" menu are not lite. has this happened to any one and how did you fix it? thanks in advance.
you have to scroll down the menu until you reach the item/part you want to change and then press and hold the DISP button. I had the same problem at first.
I'll have to test in my car to make sure, but I think you just let it sit on the Settings icon, and it'll enter the menu. At least that's how you get to all the other displays. I could be remembering wrong though.
No... you have to cycle to the Settings & Screen Off screen, then as it says there, press and hold DISP to enter the settings menu. If it cycles back to the Energy Monitor, you didn't hold it long enough. When you do enter the settings menu, if the first items are not available, that means the car is moving. You will have to come to a halt before attempting to change those settings. From memory the only things you can do while the car is moving is select "Screen Off" and "Set Clock".
Rob.au, when I first got the car it would allow me access using the procedure you described; however, now regardless of how long I press and hold "display" it kicks me to the next menu. the car's in park.
it's really weird cause sometimes the first 3 or 4 line items on the settings menu are not lite and sometimes they are. looks like im going to have to take it in but i know the likely hood of my local grease monkies breaking something is high so i'm waiting for them to get aquainted with the prius c before i take mine in. electronic gremlin problems are the worst! I was thinking about disconnecting the battery in hopes it'll reset everything.
They will de-illuminate after about 5mph. Not sure if you are trying this while stopped or not, but that has been my experience.
i tried to access it while driving and parked. I'll take a look next time to see if the speed is affecting the illumination. regardless, it won't allow me access to adjust the clock and other line items in the "Settings" menu.
Sounds like you have an issue. A trip to the dealership might be in your future. The car doesn't even need to be in park for mine to work, just not going over 5 mph. The minute I go faster it acts just like what you are describing.
ztanos, you are correct. as soon as i drive over 5mph the first 3 or 4 lines de-illuminate in the "settings" window.