My tire light has come on I think one of the sensors went bad. Is there away to turn this off as my tires are good and until I need to have them changed I'm not going to have the sensor fixed.
My understanding is that you really can't just turn it off. If it won't reset when you hold the button down under the steering column, you might consider putting some black tape over the light until you can make the repairs. A few poster's have commented on the board about the sensors. It seems that most tire shops can either repair or replace them for a reasonable amount. If you do wait, it would be wise to invest in a good air gage to monitor the air pressure of your tires. Ron
I had this happen and was frustrated because there wasn't an error code and the light would manage to go off by the time I got to the dealer. Fortunately, I had enough time to frequently visit the dealer with an attempt to show them the nuisance. After numerous attempts I was lucky enough to have it trip while I was in the lot....drove into the service bay....they ended up replacing whatever the electronic unit is under the steering wheel. It's never happened again.
Thanks for the advice and yes I did check the tire pressure, I thought about that aferward that I didn't do a good job with my explanation as it is our other prius the 2007 also. I was hoping there was a fuse I could pull or a wire to unhjook behind the reset switch but I guess not. I may however try unhooking the wire behind the reset switch to see if it does anything, I don't know if there is constant flow thru the switch or not? Thanks for the help.
For myself I most certainly checked the pressure and it was issue was that caution lights are meant to work correctly and not just be idiot lights.