Thought I met a possibility and after a number of dates everything did a "pop and fizzle." I give up. This is way too much work!
This one lasted about a month and a half... despite the cancellations there was lots of good conversation, fun dates, kind texts, flowers (warning flag was that he failed to grab the "goods" ) and then he imploded. And he broke up with me with a text! I feel so 21st century! Fisher Price My First Text Breakup! Planning to go NYC this weekend to raise hell... and going to enjoy a train ride for the first time in years.
Awe, don't feel bad! If it wasn't meant to be, It wasn't meant to be. Move on and enjoy life! You'll find someone when you least expect to.
If I may put forward a slice of personal philosophy ... * ... , well, my wife's actually, it's that people form relationships of all kinds because they fulfill a mutual need. But people change and their lives change, so their needs change and therefore relationships change and people move in and out of each others lives. It can be disappointing for one or both parties as they separate, but ultimately you shouldn't feel wronged or defeated because the relationship ended and similarly you shouldn't try to make a relationship be something it isn't.. Just keep trying to find new and better relationships and hope the better ones last. When she told me we were discussing other people. I hope there wasn't a hidden message in there. * While dangerous its 5% fatality rate is far too low to be a fitting successor to a long-lived, tool-using ape with advanced cognitive abilities.
Ironically, that's probably the best strategy. People who are actively 'looking' often give off an air of desperation - which is not attractive. Relax, be yourself....and forget about it. Only then will that little bluebird alight on your shoulders. And I'd say stay the hell away from bible-preaching churches, but we all have our own preferences.
From a male perspective, I certainly hope no failed relationship in my past has ever been described as a "Pop and Fizzle". But good luck...and you are right, relationships and the building of relationships are work. But don't give up, you know what they's a job and an adventure.
I don't send emails out as in my early experiences they are never answered and that was frustrating. It was discouraging and funny at the same time to get the "breakup text" but age and being a realist made me say "Oh well, time for a new adventure." I was myself today - blasting rocking tunes to and from work and now packing for a trip to NYC. When life gives you lemons, make lemon bars or lemon meringue pie. I am pretty much who I am - what you see is what you get. And I'm not desperate by any means - there are advantages to being able to do as I please on my own. Sometimes, though, it would be fun to have someone to share good and bad times with.
No no, I didn't say one of those types of things... just a church that preaches the Good News. Don't mind Hyo, he's got a chip on his shoulders.
Still looking for a church that matches my belief set. Organized religion just hasn't refined it, yet, to my exacting standards. God and I are on a first name basis and He knows my sense of humor and I am respectful.
Still exploring. Right now I am on a "blended path" without humans on Earth telling me I am going to Hell because I did or did not do something. Always follow the Golden Rule - treat others the way you would like to be treated. For those that lectured me in my personal world I asked, "Who died and left (you) in God's shoes?!" Leaves 'em speechless for a moment.
Yep, I know what you mean. I also keep in touch with God 2x/ day. It does not hurt, and provides me with a calming feeling. Take your time and keep moving forward with your life. Somtimes we try too hard to find that somebody to share our life with. You could find it thru music, hobby, volunteer work, work, anywhere your interests lie. Try not to be hard on yourself, be gentle with yourself. Enjoy life, laugh like crazy, and give yourself all the praise you need. Spend time with yourself, with famiy and friends. DBCassidy
The guy did you a favor with a breakup text. Imagine wasting more time with a someone that would do such a cowardly thing. Oh wait, you don't have to. I can tell you about my wife's friend. Her fiance broke off the engagement through a text. The reason was that she didn't agree to his mom's last minute ultamatum changes for the wedding. She didn't think he would act on it. While she may be devastated losing a boyfriend of many years, I shudder to think whats it is like to be married to a person still attached to the umbilical cord to their mother.
I got a phone call this AM and a lame apology. Yawn. Decided to hop a train to NYC to see friends.... love Amtrak.... runs on diesel and electric from what I remember! Going to smile, laugh and see how many Prii I can count!
sorry, didn't mean to leave you hanging... so, we are talking about the God if the Holy Bible right? I too often assume that.
Yes, the same one in the Bible. I am his "work in progress." I just don't care for folks with a religious agenda and fire and brimstone. My youngest was told by a group of so called religious types that he was going to Hell because he was gay. My son was 14 at the time and he told them, "How do you know that God didn't create me for a reason? Maybe I have to spread a message for Him?" They were speechless. There is an old Native American saying, "Never judge a man until you've walked a mile in his moccasins." Not sure where this road is taking me but I'm trying to learn as I go.