Here is a basic question from a newbie...when would I use the Eco mode? The manual is very unhelpful about this. Anticipated replies will be appreciated!
Eco mode remaps the throttle response so basically the first 50% of travel is less sensitive than in normal. It also lowers the fan speed when the system is set to auto. There is no set time to use it, its just a mode you can choose to use, not use, play around with etc. Some find it nets them a little more MPG, some find it doesn't. Just play around with using it/not using it and see what feel better to you.
use it whenever you like. eg. i use it on long trips on the highway.. only cause i find the pedal postion in eco mode is more comfy for my foot. or it was super icy and snowy out last week, and eco mode made me less likley to spin the wheels on the unplowed streets
Try a day with ECO Mode on the whole time. Then try a day with ECO Mode off the whole time. See if you notice a difference. I noticed a >tiny< bit of improvement on my morning commute with ECO Mode off, but that could also be me making adjustments on a commute where I'm doing no better than ~45 mpg. As they say, your mileage may vary.
Because of my air conditioning use, I ended up just leaving ECO Mode on and I got used to it. Given it has the same overall range as normal mode, I don't see much reason to change back now that I know this mapping well and can pretty reliably hit all the key points on the HSI when I want to. Just find whatever feels best.
If you can stomach ECO mode, theoretically, you should leave it on all time to maximize fuel economy. I never did any tests myself but I leave it on always except for those rare instances I need some oomph to make a pass. ECO mode makes it easier for me to modulate my foot so I can put the throttle exactly where I want it on the HSI. And ensure I never go onto the pwr region where fuel economy goes down substantially. But again, I never tested so I could smoking a placebo.
There's no need for this as the car's performance is not restricted in ECO mode, it's just a remapping of the pedal response curve and it changes the air con usage a little. If you need to pass, just push your foot down further.
I use eco mode regularly as I find the throttle response better suited to my driving style. It doesn't compromise acceleration when I want it and there is a small benefit in fuel economy.