There is water condensation (not much) behind the section of my drivers side headlight assembly where the turn signal is located and it REALLY bugs the hell out of me. The only way I could think it got there was when I was washing under the hood. The good news is the turn signal socket is easy to access and remove. QUESTION: How do I get that condensation out of there? I currently have it parked in the garage with the hood up and the turn signal bulb/socket removed leaving an open hole...hoping the water vapor naturally evaporates. Any other ideas? I would like to avoid putting a rag through the hole b/c I'm afraid it might leave pieces of the rag.
The back side of the head lamp is supposed to have a rubber round boot. Helps to keep the water out. Check to make sure that the sockets are secure and tight. You can blow air in if you have a compressor to get the moisture out. If it keeps coming back there may be a crack somewhere in the lamp or housing. SCH-I605 ? 2
well I guess if you gently heated the light from outside you would evaporate the water, so I am thinking maybe hair drier, or maybe heating pad. I am trying to think of gentle heating techniques. It does not have to be really hot, just warmer than the surroundings to force the moisture to look for a colder spot.
Woke up this morning to find the condensation evaporated. Hopefully it doesn't come back. DROID RAZR ? 2