As a one day old owner of a new 2012 Prius Plug-In, I was pleased to see this article. It states, the Toyota Prius was the best selling new car in California in 2012, selling 60,688, one in five compact cars sold in 2012. The Honda Civic was second with 57,124 cars sold. The article stated "that hybrids, once exotic are now becoming mainstream". Also, stated in the article, Consumer Reports, "calls the Toyota Prius, the nations BEST new car bargain." It's extremely reliable and roomy, rides well, has secure handling, and is super cheap to operate, at .49 per miles when everything is factored in. Congratulations to everyone here on their wise car choice.
Yeah, they are EVERYWHERE in my area. Davis especially. You can't throw a kitten without hitting one!
On an unrelated note, is the bottom part of your grille where the fog lights mount painted glossy black or is it just black matte plastic?
Well, not "everyone" here has purchased a Prius yet. We drove a 'v' and were impressed, but not exhaustively. There is still no one car that fits all needs. The research continues.....
I don't see a lot of Prii in my county as we are in Big-3 territory and there is no Toyota dealership in the county. With all the Ford employees around, I am seeing a fair number of C-MAX.
"Sure, gas prices climbed last year, giving an edge to hybrids, but the Prius continues to be a hit." They say that like the think that is an exception.
I posted the link on a well known automotive forum with anti-hybrid bias. I number of members posted along the lines: CA is full of tree-huggers and not representative of the rest of the country. Looks like rednecks will never see the light.
The real reason for Toyota's success is being able to drive in HOV lanes with one passenger from what I think I have read....
+1, they also seemed to forget that CA's purchasing habits have a tendency to set the trend for the rest of the nation.
Tons on the road including Gen 2, 3, V taxi's. Heck, a lot of companies are using them as well as SDG&E
The only other time I've see a car with this Kind of appeal was in the 60's when everyone bought VW bugs.
Currently only PIP buyers get this perk. That might have been a contributing factor in CA in the beginning. But, there have been studies that show people who bought a Prius buy another when it comes time to replace it.
Well said! Research well... salesperson tried to force the v on me and I was turned off as in my new life it was more than I needed. Trying to dress a Prius up as a minivan made me literally back away from what I was being reluctantly shown (in a very attractive color), protesting that that car was so not for me. I went to the dealership for a liftback and walked out with everything I wanted at a price I could live with and I am a wee bit embarrassed to admit that I said I did not need a test drive (the salesperson almost fainted) - it was a two year love affair for me prior to owning my own. Salesperson did not show me the c (that was not me, either) and could not answer my PiP questions but thanks to folks here after the fact, I have no regrets on the baby I brought home. Today, there is a really pretty piece of machinery in my garage that I like driving and like washing and pampering... and thank Gawd PC exists for folks "who get it." Must be awesome to be in CA to see that many Prii - (I smile at the two or three I see in my commute and how many come into my place of employment) - was talking with my youngest son today who normally shares his experiences of life on the road on a bicycle and his Prius envy but the conversation ventured toward the kindness of a mutually loved A list celebrity that was extremely kind to my son - much needed for a mom on the Atlantic Ocean side of the world.
Definitely a Ford fan here having owned an "Exploder" that I drove into the ground and my F250 Super Duty turbo diesel (no emoticon for... oh my, faint, thud!) but what Ford offers hybrid-wise (my very, very humble apologies to Coach), did not get my heart racing until I drove my new Prius home.... (oh my, faint, thud....)
i saw 5 PIPs (green hov stickers are a give-away) on a 20min south bay commute this morning on surface streets... most i've seen to date (vs. only a couple Volts). i stopped counting Prii because they're everywhere these days!
Since having my 2010 Prius here in Los Angeles, Pasadena specifically, I have noticed that your really can't miss one....they are everywhere. One question though, I drive mine frugally but I often see people driving them zipping down the freeway at 80 mph. Don't you think that defeats the reason for owning a fuel efficient car?