There is no coolant meter! There is only an icon that appears if I'm already over heating. Kind of a bummer, I would like to monitor this manually but maybe it's not necessary. Just kind of scary.
The Scangauge II has many gauges, you can display 4 at a time, Water Temperature in Fahrenheit is one of them. PriusChat Shop : ScanGauge II Scan Tool + Digital Gauges + Trip Computers [ScanGaugeII] - $159.95
I too think it a good idea to monitor the temp of the coolant. A ScanGauge, as mentioned, is great. I am using the 60 dollar Ultra Gauge in the C. Works great and has lots of "metering" capabilities. Dan
Inverter temp is more critical than the ICE's coolant temp. Monitor both. Many if not most cars don't have gauges. Idiot lights are cheaper.
I think the only place to get it is direct from them. It was 69 dollars with a 9 dollar rebate once you fill out their questionaire, on line. I have both gauges. The Ultra Gauge is not as good as the ScanGauge, in my opinion, but there is a huge price difference. Yes, it is "good enough". Especially for the price, a real bargain. Dan
Hmmm... I like the look of that UltraGauge. It would be more of an informational "toy" for me, not a necessity. I seem to be putting together quite a list of goodies for the PC2 should I ever win the lottery.
curious why the scanguage is better than ultragauge. Just bought the scangauge when it was on sale on amazon for $125. Works great, but I like that more gauges show at one time on the ultragauge. Might buy one for my wife's minivan.
Does the Ultra-gauge provide all of the Prius specific gauges like the Scangauge does with its Xgauges? Can you clear codes or just scan for them?
Yes you can clear them. If you like more gauges showing the ultragauge is for you. They both have good points. I like scangauge due to its simplicity of set up and operation. The ultragauge is more complex and requires some serious reading to set up and operate. I have both mounted at present and the scangauge plugged in. It seems more accurate on instant mileage but i may not have had the ultragauge set up exactly right. I will read up more on it before running it again. That was great buy for 125. I just saw an older used one on ebay go for same price. I had mine out to sell but changed my mind. I like both of them. Dan
According to their website, UltraGauge currently does not support Manufacturer specific gauges such as Transmission temperature. Vincent
Hi CMJAnew, UG cannot display Inverter Temp, only the SGII with Xgauges can. See my post on the list of Xgauges. Vincent
I personally use my Android smart phone with the Torque app hooked up to a $10 bluetooth obd2 device. Works great. If you pay for the $5 paid app you get all kinds of meters to read and be distracted.
Does that show you all the stuff that ScanGauage does? If so, that's a way better option and I'm going to do it! I would love to see some of the stuff ScanGauage shows but I'm too cheap to buy one
Not sure what all ScanGuage shows, but if you are interested in a certain gauge let me know and I'll tell you if it has it. Note: I haven't installed any custom PIDs and I get a lot of information. From what I have read I could get a lot of the electric information if I install the custom ones... which I have also read is rather easy, just haven't had the time.
Does it measure Inverter coolant temperature? I put grill blocking on my C and want to make sure it's not getting too hot inside
That might be one of those electrical ones that I'm not sure about, but I do know that you can see coolant temperature.
What would be a cheap Android phone to look out for? I only have Iphones. I took my Ultra Gauge out and only use the ScanGauge now. That Ultra Gauge is a nice unit for the price but more complicated to set up than the ScanGauge. Guess it may be for sale. Dan