No-one ever points out that the cameraman is travelling just as fast, only backwards and on the footpath.
Photo Shop is amazing, but it's one of those programs that if you don't use it like every day- you forget how to do all but the simplest tasks. Guess I'm trying to say it's not intuitive...
You're right, it's not overly intuitive especially if you want to do anything interesting. It's not so bad for me as I give photoshop tutorials on a fairly regular basis.
I would be interested and grateful if you would post something in "Fred's House of Pancakes" section, I have a pretty good idea how you accomplished the tasks in the above photo- but it's always helpful to learn from someone versed in the software.
Oh ok As soon as I get a moment I'll put a little video together to show the technique I used and post it in there
Right the video is done but I fear I may have wobbled on for rather longer than I intended lol so the upload is going to take something of an age but I'll be sure to post a link in the Pancakes thread as soon as it is done