Leather-like seat covering, LED lights, 8-way adjustable power front seat, Much better HDD audio and Navigation, Radar-Controlled Cruise Control (This is incredibly effective-a real surprise for me.), I think a upgraded steering wheel. There is a comparison on the Toyota site and a thread "what do you get for 7K" here that goes into detail. I think the consensus is that 7K is a bit much for what you get--but IMO a lot of thread complaints are for what is missing in the Base. I think the consensus is also that the differentials in the incentives to move the more expensive AT models really makes it more attractive and nearly worth. There are few owner of the AT model who believe they made a mistake. Some base owner seem to be saying that they wished they stretched and got some of the bells and whistles. Individual preference totally.
I'm working on an East Coast deal to get that hefty $6,500 incentive on the Advanced. For those of you who have already done one and then shipped the car, did you do door-to-door or dropoff at a shipping terminal? Any tips? I think I prefer door-to-door but am worried that if they can't pickup a certain day then I'm screwed since I will only be there for one day. Also for CA buyers, did anyone just do the registration themselves at the CA DMV? Seems easy enough to do, no? Since the dealer collects CA sales tax you didn't have to pay tax again to the DMV right?
I didn't deal with any dealership that wouldn't do the deal via FedEx because I know how dealerships can be and once you are there, if they decide to change the terms/deal, you are pretty much forced to agree to it or your whole trip would be a waste. My dealership in MD did the entire deal via email/FedEx and helped with the door-to-door shipping. They also helped register the car in CA for me so I could roll the taxes/fees into the loan at 0% APR. Just curious, which dealership are you going with? Hopefully it isn't in Boston because I had 2 dealerships there that played silly games and I had to call many times and wait several weeks before finally getting my $1k deposit refunded.
I'm in central Jersey and the dealers here are doing $6500 on the advanced model. No deals on the base PIP, other than the 0% interest.
Here's where I bought mine. They have one advanced model left, so ask them for an e-price and deduct the $6500 from that. New Toyota Prius Plug-Ins For Sale | New Toyota Dealer | Serving Old Bridge, Woodbridge & North Brunswick New Jersey | DCH Brunswick Toyota
Thanks for the info and link. The price comes to $40,545 - $6,500 = $34,405. The best prices for the Advanced, according to Len's spreadsheet is around $32k - $33k. I wanted to know for a point of reference. I eschew the Advanced for the Base just a few weeks ago. If it was in the $31k range, I would feel some buyer's remorse.
you kind of have to do it yourself. the dealer sends part of the paperwork to your local DMV (NOT the central office) and then you have to come in person for them to finish it. because the car is bought out of state, a DMV official must inspect it for emissions purposes. as far as taxes are concerned, that's your responsibility. what you should do is figure out how much tax is due, have the dealer roll that into the loan, and then have the dealer make a check out to DMV.
[I wanted to know for a point of reference. I eschew the Advanced for the Base just a few weeks ago. If it was in the $31k range, I would feel some buyer's remorse. [/quote] They have the $6,500 in NY, NJ, CT, and probably some more states. My deal looks like it will come in sub $31k. But it will cost me $1k to ship it so don't feel too bad. I also think it's probably hard to replicate because the dealer is almost out of 2012's. Will post when I have all the figures. Btw based on inventory levels at other places there are going to be 2012's left into February. Wonder if they will up the incentive again?!!
I'm pretty sure I talked to your dealer in MD when I was shopping around down there because they told me they had a customer who dealt with the MA dealers who ended up not honoring their price quotes and end up wasting everyone's time. My dealer is not in MA. I couldn't find any dealers (with decent prices) who were comfortable with doing the deal remotely. I'll post the details when all is confirmed.
I never told my dealership about any of my experience with other dealerships, so we probably aren't talking about the same place. Anyways, good luck on your deal and be sure to post the details after you close.
They have the $6,500 in NY, NJ, CT, and probably some more states. My deal looks like it will come in sub $31k. But it will cost me $1k to ship it so don't feel too bad. I also think it's probably hard to replicate because the dealer is almost out of 2012's. Will post when I have all the figures. Btw based on inventory levels at other places there are going to be 2012's left into February. Wonder if they will up the incentive again?!![/quote] Sounds like you got a steal. Good luck
Yea, that's about the price of a regular Prius Five with destination fee added. You are getting the 4.4 kWh plugin functionality for free. It'll come in very handy for those short trips. You also get the benefit of EV driving up to 62 mph, like C-Max hybrid but with a lot more EV power in a much lighter car. Wait, sub $31k is with the $2,500 federal tax credit and CA $1500 rebate?
They have the $6,500 in NY, NJ, CT, and probably some more states. My deal looks like it will come in sub $31k. But it will cost me $1k to ship it so don't feel too bad. I also think it's probably hard to replicate because the dealer is almost out of 2012's. Will post when I have all the figures. Btw based on inventory levels at other places there are going to be 2012's left into February. Wonder if they will up the incentive again?!![/quote] What is the price breakdown of the car? You don't have to give the name of the dealer. Is $31K before $2.5K tax credit and $1.5K CA rebate?
I'm assuming before. MSRP is ~$40,500 and if you include the TFS $6500 incentive plus the federal $2500 credit and CA $1500 rebate, that brings it down to ~$30k already. I'm guessing he negotiated a selling price close to or below invoice and with the TFS $6500 incentive, that is how he reached the sub $31k price.