At a big shopping mall near here I noticed on the base of a few light stantions in the parking lot what looks like a 110v outlet. There were not many. I wonder if I could plug in my PIP? Maybe put a meter in it first. I don't want to blow my toyota cord. Any thoughts??
Ask first. We do not need a reputation as 'thieves'. Every mall I was ever in had an office tucked away in it somewhere.
Agree w/Jimbo. I wouldn't be worried about "blowing" the Toyota EVSE. I'd be more concerned about tripping the mall's circuit breakers or worse, getting your EVSE stolen. They aren't cheap to replace.
Yes I agree. Years ago I had my boat electrical cords taken when we were away from the dock. I have devised a lockable solution however.
I had my car unplugged at Century City Shopping center in LA yesterday. I plugged in at the EV charging spot and made sure charging had started. When I came back to the car I noticed the light was off. I did a quick check and the plug wasn't pushed all the way in. I ended up getting 1.3 miles of charge mot the 10 I expected. I suspect someone was curious and pulled out the connector to take a look then didn't know to push it in until it clicks. I think I need to look for one of those locks.
I do shop in some Smithtown malls. Show me their location and some management info and we could request information about the use availability for this receptacles. It could be for every bodies benefit.
It was in the Smith Haven Mall, in the parking lot opposite Macys Furniture outlet, on the west side. I have not gone inside to try to contact people. The 110v outlet was on the base mount of a light pole. Let me know what you think.