I purchased my v in April and it has a single honk when I start the ignition. This always causes folks to turn around and look at me and creates a false sense of urgency for my wife if I'm waiting in the car for her. I know several other v owners who's cars DO NOT honk upon starting the ignition. My dealer tells me it cannot be disabled. Has anyone else encountered this?
There's no way that is normal. I'd go to the dealer and demonstrate that to someone in the service dept. Good luck.
Mine doesn't honk. Maybe it has an aftermarket alarm installed that does the honking as some kind of confirmation?
Yes I have the same issue with my 2016 previous V. The 1st 4 weeks of owning this vehicle in March of 2020 it did not do this, but it has been doing it now for about a week. Is this a problem or something I have to live with?
Unless the California has passed yet another zany new law - OR - there are dealers out there hacking into the electronics with remote start systems or some kind of catalytic converter alarm systems.....I'm thinking that Priuses are supposed to start without being honked up. Haven't heard of such a thing down here in flyover country.