I am new on this site and navigating around. I am the owner of the third US stretch Prius, second built by Steve at Auto Be Yours (imwoody36). I have to say I am loving this vehicle more every day!
Thanks for the comments!! It is actually not hard to find parking at all. The length is the same as a Suburban. I usually try to back into a spot whenever possible. I have even parallel parked it twice!! lol
Thank you! Steve at Auto Be Your (imwoody36) partnered with a local appolstery guy, Kyle Caswell, for this awesome finish. This finish work is what put me over the edge to buy! Send him message about the work: [email protected]. Enjoy!
Sorry to ressurect this old post but had to ask about the Primo. How is it holding up? Are there anythings that you had to deal with with this hybrid hybrid lol? Such as battery/ICE cycling more frequently like when operating the AC or anything.... I was thinking of buying one to have an extended Prius Camper but wanted to research all potential problems and possible workarounds. I imagine if he is still making them with each successive one gets better. Owner of 2004 Prius bought new still going strong with thousand of idle hours camping and/or working out the car. I just realized next year will be 20 years. Have you made any mods since you got it way back when? Thanks in advance.