Dropped my c off at the dealer today to get the last thing done to it that I purchased the car last Saturday. It original was suppose to be about an hour but there was a car ahead of me getting the same thing done too. I was told my car would be done around 2:30 (current time was 11:00). I was like crap, let me see if I can get a ride from someone so I didn't have to wait at the dealer for 3 1/2 hrs. Right when I was getting ready to call someone, my salesman went to go check to see if he can get me a loaner and he did. Went to the counter to do the paper work for the loaner car and I was told they had a 2010 Camry (the ugly one IMO, 2012 SE is sweet looking tho) and I was like o... and then they said they had an IQ also and asked if I knew what that was. I was give me that one and that s the one I got. So for the next almost 4 hrs I was driving around in the IQ. I did most of my stops that I needed to get done that day driving that thing around. I was always curious on how that car drove and if it was fun to drive. To my surprise that thing would get up and go for the little power that it had. Did about 5 miles of interstate driving and had no problem doing those speeds. When time came to take it around some corners, that IQ was a blast in them. I was able to bring the gas mileage avg. from 29.1 mpg to 31.2 mpg. I couldn't reset the avg mpg, tried holding the button for 15 sec and still didn't rest. I'm assuming the avg mpg is off the entire life of the car (9956 mi). If I ever need a smaller car than the Prius c for whatever reason that may be, I would get the Scion IQ it's a fun "tiny" car to drive. I was able to do unlimited 360's in the driveway because of how short the turning radius is. Here's a few pictures of it next to my sisters Saturn L200.
I've seen a bunch of Scion IQs - even one with a Toyota badge. Cute car - strangely appealing. Kinda like a Smart that was allowed to grow up.
I cant wait until I need my 10,000 (few weeks away) going to see if I can a IQ. Im a huge fan of small funky cars and the IQ is high on my list of must drive cars. Im quite jealous! When I had my 5000 done and windows done too, they gave me a Prius V (letter not number). Nice car lot of cool tech I wish the C had but not at all for me.