I've been on PriusChat for a few years now and know some people on a more personal level, but not exactly everyone. I like to learn and meet new people, & I'm sure everyone else would enjoy reading about fellow PriusChatters. So everyone, pour us a piping hot cup of who you are and what you're like.
"I am born. Whether I shall turn out to be the hero of my own life, or . . ." - Charles Dickens Bob Wilson
I think I'm so hard at summing myself up.. Ive written something for this at least 3 times and deleted it all because I just cant seem to explain it the right way, lol. I have ocd with some things, and other things I could care less about. Im very laid back and super easy going. I can make friends with just about anybody. I laugh when I get nervous and its really hard for me to get mad at people. I love getting away from the city. I love boating and traveling. Im spontaneous by nature and it drives my boyfriend crazy Im really afraid of heights and I hate really big bridges. But I love roller coasters. Ikr. I love cars, Ive had over 40 since I was 16 (Im now 32). I was supposed to be a Valentines Day baby but came out on the 17th instead I love boats too. Ive owned 5 or 6 boats and currently have a 278 Four Winns Vista. Yes, I drive a 50mpg car and then in the summertime drive a boat that gets 1.5mpg. Dont judge me Other than that, I have my Associates Degree and a certificate. Although I dont do it anymore, Im a drivers ed teacher for the State of Michigan. I work for a county entity and have been there since my senior year in HS. Its boring and I wish I could change jobs but Im very content with my salary now, lol I'd take a huge pay hit if I left and went somewhere else. I like mexican and thai food and rate some of my friends on an hourly scale (i.e. some friends are "2 hour friends" while others can be "72 hour friends", haha. My sense of humor can at times be a little esoteric. I embrace everybody's uniqueness. Today I had BDubbs for lunch (chicken buffalitos with asian zing sauce, hello) and last night I went with my friend Jen to a boat club euchre party. I dont play euchre but went for the food and to play the non-card games, keno at the club, and to see my friends. Speaking of food, Im hungry now. Im a foodie!! I yelp and foursquare like a mutha funka. I eat all of the time it seems, but stay skinny - my friends and family get mad at me for it, haha. I belong to wayyyyyy too many forums. I only visit a few but I must have at least 30 (or more) different accounts throughout cyberspace! Oh and my favorite ice cream is mint chocolate chip
Interesting thread! Here goes... Late 40s, divorced (living with a mean alcoholic whose idea of "relaxing" after work was coming home with a six pack and three were already gone on the ride home, was worth my sanity and freedom - stayed for the kids for 24 years, they left and before the ink was dry on the paperwork I rocketed to the ocean this past summer with no regrets), two grown sons in great areas of the west. I am noted for my humor at work (at my age it is no longer make-up, it is spackle (or Bondo?!) and New Englanders do not get old - they "weather"), am an artist and published writer (stories involving driving with a horse in my Jeep Cherokee and sometimes her babies came along as well prior to getting a real truck and stock trailer so we could volunteer at nursing homes), love music (learning the fiddle and love it), competitive sailing, horses - my current "kids" (they are the other horsepower in the yard is fueled by hay). Growing up with sons and their friends I have heard everything at the dinner table so not much phases me. Just crazy enough to be doing my first Polar Plunge this New Year's Day - on visiting family in the winter near RI one could usually find me in November, December or January in shorts wading up to my knees and laughing. Other visitors looked at me like I was three fries short of a Happy Meal as they were wrapped in ski coats, boots, mittens, etc.... but it wasn't about them and their opinions. For something like a Polar Plunge I consider it training. I'm rapidly crossing things off a long bucket list because tomorrow is never promised.
I am a 57 year old computer nerd who is 'retired', so only working 4 days a week: I install copiers in NW MS and a small amount of NE AR, I am the IT department for a Mental Health agency in NW MS. I travel about 30,000 miles a year in my Prius, doing the above and taking my wife to her work sites, she is an architect with clients all over the US. Raised in WA, and working 14 years in NV at a gold mine, I am now learning to be at home in MS I am all over the internet, giving bad car and computer advice, as JimboPalmer. I have a 20 something daughter who is taking nursing in college after being an Aide for 8 years, She makes exotic costumes as a hobby. (google AmiDoji) I have been driving small station wagons since I learned to drive, if they ever make a Prius v PHV I will be all over it. I walked from Campo, CA on the Mexican border to Mt Adams in WA in 1981 with two of my brothers, John made it to Stevens Pass, WA. 155 days with one breakfast, two lunches, and 5 dinners, over and over again. I walked extensively in the Olympic National Park as a teen. Region One Mental Health Center :: Home Barrick Gold Corporation - Operations - North America - Goldstrike http://www.pcta.org/images/media/pct_map_medium.jpg Wild Olympics Campaign
Not for all obviously... it has fallend down to fifth page What IS interesting, that once I was at home having unlimited internet access, somehow didn't feel too much temptation to post in this thread. Now - sitting on the bridge on my containership and only occasionally making some wireless connection to the network I found again this thread. Hey! Now you know what I'm doing 53-old seaman (deep sea navigator), recently being addicted to Priusism. BTW - at present I'm burning ca 50 tons of heavy fuel daily... Christmas on board with the crew, far away from home - part of our business... things like that... it's OK after 30 years at sea.Fortunately in present trade we sail not far from civilisation (actually Spanish coast) and almost every day in range of mobile network. It gives possibility to chat with my two daughters (29 & 11) and wife - who is now in charge of turning on the Prius every week for 30 minutes . Aaahh - what drown my attention - the phrase "Polar Plunge" mentioned above. For the short moment I thought that OceanEyes participated in some Polar expeditions but no. That was adventure of my life serving on board awesome expedition ship to Arctic and Antartic - it is gone now So then - this is me from Gdynia - one of the nicest cities in Poland
My late stepdad had the good fortune to be deployed to Antarctica (sp?) when he was in the Navy. His 8mm silent movies were awesome of a very cold and desolate place and he was holding an Adelie penguin in the film. I would have loved to make that trip - he said it was "spring" there and they lost a large bulldozer through the ice among other things that happened. The "Penguin Plunge" is New Year's Day and this particular one benefits a local homeless shelter. Definitely will be "freezin' for a reason."
It is more simple than you think. There is quite a few expedition/cruise ships around. I was in charge of one of them - the nicest one...
That is good to know - I may need to look into that. Still have a copy of Jacques Cousteau's movie of his trip to Antarctica and love watching it.
At work now but will put something together. Figured I can save time and reuse in the confessional box with the Padre.
I'm totally awesome, but nobody knows and I'm totally pathetic, but nobody knows. Philosopher and dreamer, a poet and schemer . Whose heart really knows itself? Alan.. Sent with Tapatalk 2
Life is an adventure... one should walk their own path and enjoy the scenery as others' perspectives can warp our view of reality. Probably the best life lesson I have learned this year. Happy New Year!
The most interesting souls have many facets - and like a valuable gem, sometimes not everything is apparent at first. Learned this from my own, now adult children, some of the most awesome souls I know.