Is anyone else sick of the CMax being compared to the v? All if the ads claim that it handles better and has better mileage than the Prius v. Of course it does, it's a smaller car. There is no comparison between the two when it comes to cargo capacity. Why not compare it to the Prius hatchback, which is pretty close in size. Probably because the Prius beats it hands down in fuel economy. Rant over.
right on, ford didn't think this car through before deciding to go ahead with it. they don't know what they want it to be.
The thing is, Ford is the one that keeps marketing it that way and the media's picked up on it with stuff like Ford's C-Max Knocks Out Toyota's Prius | Wall St. Cheat Sheet. Yeah, I've seen an test driven a C-Max briefly and on the outside, it does appear smaller than the Prius v and looks more like the regular Prius. It looks like it has WAY less cargo room than he v wagon. Interestingly, from Compare Side-by-Side (specs tab), the C-Max is classified as a large car, probably because of its combination of high passenger + luggage volume. It'll be very interesting to see if the EPA finds if/when it actually tests the C-Max and other Ford hybrids to see if Ford cheated, had some systematic error in how they tested or if Ford just optimized REALLY well for the EPA test.
No. There are a ton of people out there (like me) that despise the Prius. I do not like the looks. IMO the CMax is a better looking car. About the size, I am not sure how much more cargo room the v has vs. the Cmax
As a recent Prius v purchaser, I cross-shopped the C-Max and ultimately decided they were not comparable for what I wanted. The v has been fantastic for cargo (great Costco car) and it is very easy to load. I agree that Ford wanted to avoid the Prius comparison because of the mileage difference.
Oh yeah... and press releases like this get picked up by the press: Ford Triples Dealers Certified to Sell C-MAX Energi Plug-in Hybrid, Beats Toyota in Fuel Economy Across the Board Ford C-MAX Delivers 570 Miles on One Tank of Gas, Taking Customers Further Than Toyota Prius v at 450 Miles | Ford Motor Company Newsroom Ford C-MAX Hybrid Outsells Toyota Prius v in First Full Sales Month, Helps Ford Set Hybrid, Small Vehicle Sales Records | Ford Motor Company Newsroom
Of course in real life, current owners are wondering were the advertised 47 mpg is. Their average is 39.6 (-7 off EPA) on The V is averaging 42.2 mpg. Right on target with the EPA average (44,40).
I don't get it; you despise the Prius but per your Fuelly banner, it looks like you're driving one anyway.
C-Max 39.6 mpg ( 124 cu-ft interior Prius v 42.2* mpg (ibid.) 131 cu-ft interior As far as advertising mileage goes, I suspect that in the aftermath of the Hyundai debacle, fuel economy claims my get more realistic. * Prius v fuel economy corrected. I originally used the report from one example.
Power to do what? Is it a Corvette? No. Will it pull out in the face of traffic? Pwr button on I'm amazed at how well it does. Will it get me to 70-75MPH for hours on end and pass anyone I want to on the Interstates and still get 40MPG? Yes. Will it tow a truck? No. If you are liking the V6 RAV4, then it is likely to be a change to you but one you can get used to. You give up something to get something. It has lots more HP (and displacement) than some of the sportscars I was driving in the 60s and 70s.
What is the ibid reference? is showing the 2012 Pruis v at 42.2MPG over 217 vehicles, 4381 fill ups, 1,568,321 miles tracked as of 12/19/12. It looks like toyota's estimated MPG claims are very realistic.
The C-max shares the same platform with Focus. It's smaller than V but it has a 2.0 engine. Ford opted for more power. I wouldn't mind a little more power on my V even with the sacrifice of 1 or 2 mpgs.
I haven't heard - are they selling the Cmax as a Wagon class vehicle?? if they aren't then it's a mid-size which would compare to the liftback.... So it gets 570 miles per tank - probably has a 15 gallon tank instead of our 11.9 gallon... doesn't mean it gets better milage... just that it holds more. In comparison to my Chevy Blazer - The V has 1.5 inches longer wheelbase, but 1.5 inches shorter body length... (bumper to bumper) ... The blazer has a 4.3v6 with 225hp ... and gets 20mpg ... 4x4 4door... 4200lbs curb weight the v- has same cargo space - behind rear seat ... slightly narrower ... but gets 40-44 .... in the summer i was averaging easily 47.6 (on fuelly) ... display currently shows about 43.6-44 with winter here... 3200lb curb weight now it's not a 4x4 truck and doesn't tow ... but the fuel savings pays for half the payment.
The Cmax has a double chin... and it isn't cute like my 4 month old's, though. Said 4 month old is why a Cmax is no good for me. A weekend trip to grandma and grandpa's would require me to take the 4Runner due to the stroller, bassinet, suitcases, etc. It all fits in the v.
ibid. = abbreviation for the Latin ibidem, meaning "in the same place" used in citation references. Perhaps I should have used op. cit. instead. On the Prius v number - oops. I grabbed the first number on the page, which was for one guy who thinks he has a 2013 Prius v. the 42.2 number is better and should have been the one I used.
Yes, I have the Prius C. I got the C because it does not look like a Prius, all the badges removed. I have had it since 6/25, and am almost ready to turn it in. Only thing stopping me is the added cost of getting what I want.
Yes, I actually enjoy driving the v a lot. We have a 2012 Camry hybrid as well, which I also like, but the v fits my driving style -- I find it to be a relaxing car to drive. I take it on the highway a lot and have no problems. My suggestion is that you test drive extensively to figure out if you will like it. I had the luxury to have a lot of time to shop for a car when I bought the v and I test drove it four times.
Why the heck did you buy a car you don't like? A car is a pretty big investment. Why not just end the misery and trade it in now while it has low miles. I'm willing to bet that you have a very interesting story tell....
I was forced to buy a car. I got a job 26 miles from the house. I liked it for the 1st month or so. Low miles? LOL, it has 12k already. I went from no car to buying this one out right. I would trade it in, but both cars I want are $40k+ That extra cost I just can't take on right now. I think I will be stuck with the C for a few years.