I get frustrated when I start my car and the radio volume is really loud from my previous driving experience. When I shutdown my 2012 prius 3 with the radio volume turned up loud it seems to remember the volume level. I do not have volume control until 4 seconds after I start it. Anyone experience this and know how to zero out my volume control when I turn off the car?
Am I missing something in what you're asking? Just lower the volume before shutting the car off or turn the radio off entirely before shutting down. Like you said, it remembers the volume from shutdown and will go there again on restart.
I can't remember to reduce the volume or turn off the radio every time I shut down. My other car would always start out with a low volume level. If I was the car software developer, I would start the volume at a low volume level. I would also give the user total control of these threshold in a GUI. My gripe is that I have to wait 4 seconds to turn it down after start up.
I think what I am trying to say, and many others on this forum, is that we want the manufactures to give us more control of our car's characteristics. Give us more control on inputs to the vehicle's software.