Oddly enough, I have never driven mine in the dark yet. When we drive after sunset, my husband is usually at the wheel. And since I hate to see how often he guns it and hits the red zone, I have taken to gazing out the passenger window while he drives. LOL
I am going to take a small rectangle of the cling type of windshield tint film and put it over those two lights...its not permanent and I think it will help! Different people perceive color in different ways, and these may be just the right shade to annoy those with particular sensitivity.
Could be. I must say it annoys me that a tiny handful of people have caused me to have what I consider to be absurdly small floor mats that stop well short of where I'd like them to stop, although I do like the secure retaining clip device thing compared to the old simple hook through an eyelet. They could easily have left the mats at the old size and had a secure retainer at the forward end to avoid the "issue". No additional paperwork here (I mostly had to sign forms that confirmed they'd offered me extra products like Toyota finance and insurance and road service and that I had knowingly refused them and why). Yep. The accepted practice is red for danger items and yellow/orange for warning items. All standard informational items should be other colours. This said like many others, I prefer a clean dash. Early in my driving days I was driving parental Volvos that lit up like Christmas trees, partly with completely useless warnings, partly with warnings from systems that no longer worked properly and couldn't be fixed... was very irritating.
A mod can delete this post if they want - I don't know WHAT happened when I posted a couple days ago (I did NOT mean to post a video - apologies to the forum). My original point was that there is a long history of litigation in the US which probably accounts for Toyota's exuberance in having us sign lots of extra forms for the floor mats
I would really like to know more about how to get into the display to block that annoying light it drives me crazy ..Thanks
To summarize: Remove Instrument Cluster Disassemble Cluster Tape, paint, or otherwise black-out the warning light bezel as you see fit Reassemble and test. I did a little write up in my Project Thread
FWIW, after reading this thread I noticed the airbag light on my Subaru Forester is on all the time too. I never even really noticed it. Not sure if it is as bright though.
I think Toyota should have pick a different color light for the airbag light. Like soft green! I don't like the light and there is no way to dim it down. Bright Red does not seem a smart choice. I wish there was a way to easily dissable the or dim the light. Any suggestions out there?
Toyota needs to address this light. I'm going to complaint to the service department when I get my first service. They should change the led to green. Bugs the hell out of me when driving at night.
Easy: don't look at it. Just pretend it's not there. I hated it at first but now it doesn't exit anymore.
I was looking at instrument clusters on ebay for the C and it is not easy once you pull it out to disassemble the cluster to dissable the light. I will have to follow your advice, or cover it with a sticker. LOL, so far that is the only complaint I have about the car.
I paid an Audio and Custom installation shop to turn off the dumb lights . It was driving me crazy, I had lasix and one eye is very sensitive to anything close to me, so when I was driving it was very distracting !
The light says "airbag off" even when I have someone sitting in passenger seat? What is wrong.? I just bought my prius Yesterday and sad to notice that
I found a way to remove that stupid passenger airbag light. I shut the car off. Seriously though...I'm right with all those who want this light to go away and I think I found a simple solution...just buy a dummy seat belt clip. Slap that baby into the passenger clip when no breathing passenger is in the seat and I think the light will go away. I'm not 100% sure this will do it but makes sense. I just ordered mine for like $5. Good idea?
Some people pull the dash apart and put a piece of black electrical tape over the light. Cant see it when it's all back together and looks good. Though, a dummy belt clip is easier. but then you have the light on for passenger in seat.
Ya...well...I'm an idiot at times. I should have just tested it with the passenger belt clicked in to see if the light goes off before suggesting the dummy seat belt clips. The light doesn't go off. The light seems to be weight sensored, which means, clipping the seat belt without a person in the seat doesn't change a thing. Seems a person needs to be in the seat for the sensors to pick up that there is someone there and then the light changes to Air Bag On for Passenger. I thought that dummy clip was a simple fix. So much for that. Toyota strikes again. lol.
I just did this last weekend. The dash is easy to open up. It's all clips. There are 2 easily accessible screws for the instrument display. Take those off, unplug the display and get to work. Take it easy on the tabs that hold the clear plastic, same for the tab holding the cover. After you have those off you have access to the warning display cover. I didn't even take that off, I rotated it till I saw the Passenger Airbag lights and covered it with electrical tape. Then just put everything back together. This way it's a cleaner look than putting tape over the clear plastic.