Hello Everyone! I love my 2001 Prius with 198,650 miles but the battery has died. Has anyone tried to bypass the battery and run the car just on the gas engine? I am not in a position to replace the battery now so I am hoping someone has figured out how to do this and can help me. Thanks ! Clark
No, I think you're going to need to replace/fix it. You might be able to sort of limp along for a little bit. Do keep in mind that the engine is started by the big HV battery, not the 12 volt, so you can't just bypass that. See Failed traction (HV) battery, what to do? - Prius Wiki.
The entire "battery" is made up of a series of cells, which can be replaced individually. You might just have a cell or two that have gone bad. Don't think there is a way to bypass the batteries to just run off the engine, and I'm not sure that would be a good thing to do anyway.
Yep. The problem is that it might turn into a fair amount of work and time to do a proper repair job.
There is no way to bypass the pack completely. And replacing individual cells is akin to playing whack a mole. It is a good game if you have the time and expertise, but if you just want to drive it and not worry about it, individual cell replacement is not for you.
Remanufactured Hybrid Vehicle Battery Packs Remanufactured Toyota Prius Hybrid Battery 2001 2003 | eBay
I've seen used battery packs for less than the $1800 street price for a re-maned unit. For a 12-year-old car??? $1800 is probably not a bad investment given the cost of operation for a G1 depending of course on how the rest of the car is running. It will be cheaper than replacing the car.......and if the battery goes Tango-Uniform you will be replacing either the battery or the car....probably after "Smiling Bob's Tow Truck Service" gigs you for $100 or so. Good Luck!
This is my opinion. The car is 12 years old and has almost 200,000 miles. That is in many cases close to the end of it's lifespan. The decision is repairing this car throwing good money at a bad car. I know it is common to get emotionaly attached to out cars. But it is a car. If you throw the $2,000 + install labor at this car and next month it is struts or the ICE starts burning oil like crazy, or something else. If it was me I would take the money you would apply to a repair and apply it to a new car purchase. The dealer may give you a few grand for the trade in of this old car. and start new.
The OP clark l mcdermith may want to say where he is located. He may be able to find a half decent used battery at a fair price if he is in the right part of the country, or sell the car to a Gen1 enthusiasts who will repair it. As far a running the Prius without a healthy Hybrid battery, fuggedaboutit! The HSD system is not designed to be operable with bad or missing Hybrid battery.